37. The Lobola Ceremony

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T H I R T Y - S E V E N

"But he's thirty two years old!"

"He is." Lin wanted to reply with a smart remark but she held her tongue lest her Aunt Khethiwe slapped her for disrespect.

"And you're twenty-four!"

"It doesn't matter!" Lin countered.

"You're far too young to get married Lindiwe." Her aunt shook her head.

"No she isn't! Have you seen that man?" Vanessa, Lin's mother gushed. "He looks like a prince!"

"So what? I'm sure there are many handsome, princely men who would love to marry her...when she is a bit older!" her aunt argued stubbornly.

"This is so unlike you Aunt Khethiwe. I thought you wanted me to get married." Lin rubbed her temples.

"I did until I heard that you're marrying that man from the braai. Our family is traditional through and through, they won't take kindly to you marrying a white man. You know that." Aunt Khethiwe sighed.

"I don't care. I love him and I will marry him." Lin said stubbornly.

"Child, you know that a wedding is a communal affair in our culture. If the elders don't agree with this union, then you should honour their wishes. They consulted the ancestors you know, they don't like any of this." Aunt Khethiwe chewed on her bottom lip.

"That's not true," Lin shook her head, "Baba tells me that the ancestors haven't been consulted yet. Aunt Khethiwe, Julian is a great man and I love him. Can't you just be happy for me?" Lin asked.

Aunt Khethiwe loved Lin like a daughter. She just didn't want her to get hurt. Being in an interracial couple in a world obsessed with race was difficult. But if Lin wanted to get married to this Julian man then Aunt Khethiwe had no choice but to give Lin her blessing. It was evident that Lin wanted the whole family's blessing. Julian had already charmed the rest of Lin's family except for Aunt Khethiwe who wasn't easily impressed or particularly keen on him.

"Well, I can't stand in the way of two people's hearts. I give you and Julian my blessing." Aunt Khethiwe smiled.

Lin's eyes brightened with joy. "Thank you Aunt Khethiwe!" she exclaimed before launching into the older woman's arms.

Aunt Khethiwe rolled her eyes but hugged Lin back nonetheless. "I heard he only gave you one rose when he kind of proposed to you two nights ago. Isn't he rich or something? Couldn't he at least splurge for a whole bouquet?" Aunt Khethiwe couldn't help but tease Lin.

"Come now, Aunt Khethiwe." Lin grumbled.

"I'm only teasing," Aunt Khethiwe laughed, "so when is Julian's family coming to your father's house to pay Lobola*?"

"They are coming to pay the bride price on Saturday, then we'll have the wedding later on in the afternoon." Lin relayed the information with a smile on her face. She was glowing.

"His family knows how to pay right? Traditionally, I mean?" Vanessa, Lin's mom asked.

"Of course he does!" Lin assured them. "He started doing research and consulting Nkosi on what he should do."

"Are you serious? You trusted your silly brother to assist your future husband with an important ceremony?" Vanessa shook her head in disbelief.

"I trust my brother, Mama!" Lin grumbled.

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