9. The Braai

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Lin groaned when the sun's rays flooded her bed. She wasn't ready to wake up and face the day. So far her week had been hectic. She had to juggle work, take  care of a strange boy and worry about an infuriating man. Grumbling, she turned to her side and yanked her phone off the charger.

It was a Saturday, which meant Julian was coming back home. She didn't know why but the thought of him made her feel giddy all of a sudden. She slowly pushed her duvet off of her body and swung out of her bed. As she made her way downstairs, yawning and barely awake, her phone blared her ring tone.

She answered the phone, "Hey, Mama." She yawned and rubbed her eyes before using another hand to draw the kitchen curtains.

"Don't hey me!" Vanessa snapped over the phone.

Lin rolled her eyes lazily. "What have I done now?"

"You forgot didn't you?" Vanessa sounded extremely annoyed.

"Mama, it's still early." She mumbled.

"And you're now single!" Vanessa countered.

Ouch Ma, solid burn!  Lin thought.

Lin pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. She reigned in her temper. She knew that being 23 years old didn't stop her from getting a beating from Vanessa Simo. "Mama, sorry, sengikhohliwe.*" Lin finally admitted.

"Why didn't you say that in the first place?" Vanessa rolled her eyes. "Anyway, today is the family braai. It's your grandfather's birthday. Attendance is compulsory." She said in all finality.

Lin groaned. "I'm sorry Ma! I've been so busy. I can't believe I forgot Khulu's* birthday."

"Ah yes, you've been busy caring for that adorable child. Bring him along will you?" Vanessa asked sweetly.

"Ma..." Lin started.

"Bring his father as well. I want to meet this seemingly important man in your life." Vanessa said coyly.

"I'm not liking where this is going." Lin said suspiciously.

"See you at 1pm with that man." Vanessa concluded then ended the call, leaving Lin no room to argue.

"Unbelievable." Lin muttered.


Lin finished frying sausages and eggs just as sleepy Charlie walked into the kitchen. Henry followed behind, wiping the sleep off of his eyes. The two males sat on the kitchen table whilst Lin prepared breakfast.

"Tea or coffee, Henry?" Lin asked as she removed mugs from the cupboard.

"Coffee, please Madam." He said whilst he removed a gun from his holster. The man clearly didn't take his job lightly. He was already dressed and alert.

"Remember what we discussed Henry, no guns on the table." Lin warned.

"Right." He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry." He tucked the gun in his holster.

"Morning little man." Lin kissed his forehead before handing him a plate of eggs, sausages and toast.

They all said Grace before tucking into the breakfast fervently. "So," started Henry in between ravenous bites of sausage, "what's today's itinerary?"

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