Chapter 3: I want a baby?

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I felt a sharp headache as I lifted my head from my pillow. I threw my head back on my pillow, unable to get up.

I rubbed my head, slowly opening my eyes. I turned to my side to see Reina soundly sleeping beside me with Abby on my other side.

Abby's boyfriend must have dropped us here at my house last night.

A few memories of past night came back flooding in my brain.

I hadn't drank so much ever since Girald and I broke up.

'Arg' I was doing it again, I thought the alcohol had clense him from my memory.

"Morning," Abby groaned shifting on the bed.

"Morning," I replied in a sleepy voice, continuing to rub my forehead from the headache.

Abby got of bed and walked to the mirror right at my dresser, she started her 'morning face examination'.

Soon after, Reina woke up too. They didn't seem to be as hungover as I was.

"Last night was fun, we should definitely bring Zoe more often," Reina said getting off the bed.

Right now their voices were making my headache worse.

"Totally, maybe we could get more free drinks." Abby said.

"You two should shut up," I said throwing Reina's pillow at Abby.

"Shouldn't you have already be out by now, to open your cafe." Reina said.

I owned a small Cafe down town, we opened six days a week, including Saturdays but except Sundays.
Business was blooming, the place was becoming a tourist attraction.

I immediately sat up straight, the sharp pain on my forehead telling me otherwise.

"I completely forgot," I said both my hands on my forehead. I looked at my clock to see that it was already 10 a.m, the cafe opened at 8.

"Relax, I'm sure it will be okay," Abby said.

"I want to extend my business, I can't do that if my current customers aren't satisfied." I said in a panic.

I should have thought everything through last time before agreeing to go to a club with them.

"Relax, it's just one day," Reina said.

"Samuel and the other waiters might still be waiting for me outside," I said in a panic.

Samuel was my soon to be manager. I plan on giving him the position once I open my new cafe, that way it would be easier for me to manage both cafes.

I grabbed my purse on my nightstand and fumbled for my phone.

I dialed Samuel's number in a panic.

"Hi," he answered in his usual enthusiastic tone.

"Hi, I'm so sorry I'm late. I should be there in about thirty minutes to open." I said.

"It's okay, I used the extra key you gave me in case of an emergency. Everything is great here, why don't you take today off," he answered with a laugh.

"Thank you Sammy, you are such a life saver." I said in relief.

I decided to take him up on his suggestion. I could try him enough to make sure that everything ran smoothly.
I was going to take the day off. I deserve it.

"Bye," I said hanging up. I placed my phone on my nightstand.

"You should probably stop calling him Sammy," Reina said.

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