Chapter 19: Paparazzi (part 1)

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Zoe's POV

I've been delaying grocery shopping for a while, it's gotten to a point where the only thing I have left is expired lettuce.

Alex left the country for Italy yesterday, his been informing me of his movements as if I could care any less.

My first check-up is in thirteen, days. He said he would make it back in twelve days, so he'll be here.

Dressed in a red dress and white sneakers, I scanned the room to see if I was missing anything else.

I already had both my house keys and car key, my wallet and a shopping bag. I was too cheap to buy a paper bag every time I shop. 

Satisfied I hadn't forgotten anything, I finally left the house. I made sure to lock my front door.

I waved hello to a few familiar faces on my way to the parking lot.

I slammed the door to my car before driving out away, to the shopping Mall.

Apart from grocery, most of my clothes no longer fit, there were either too tight or the zip could no longer close.

Staying at home caused me to gain a lot more weight from doing nothing.

I drove to the closest mall, only a twenty minutes drive away.
That way I could buy some new clothes and do grocery shopping at the same place.

Seeing that it was twelve a.m. and a weekday, the mall wasn't as  full like I had expected.

I managed to find a parking space close to the entrance.

The wind whistled as I got out of the car, blowing my hair into my face.

I managed to tie it into a messy bomb before shutting my car door.

I walked to the entrance and into the mall, having a mental debate on which store to shop in.

What was the point of buying expensive clothes if I was only going to wear it for about nine months?

I finally stopped in front of Women Clothing. The store sold affordable clothes at a good quality.

I'd first buy some clothes before grocery shopping.

I walked into the store, greeted by the smell of sweet feminine perfume, mixed with clinical products.

I walked straight to the maternity corner and to the dresses.

I'd buy maternity jeans but I knew I wouldn't be as comfortable in them.

I scanned through the roles of dresses. Suddenly, I noticed a camera flash from the corner of my eye.

I looked up to see a middle-aged women flashing her phone's camera in my direction.

I looked behind me to see if there was anyone else, but there wasn't. She must have probably been taking a picture of the clothes.

I looked at her confused, wondering if she had been taking pictures of me.

She looked at me in an almost apologetic way before walking away.

I shrugged my shoulders and continued looking at the dresses, wondering if I should take one in a black or red colour.

I finally picked the Black colour then walked to the next isle.

I noticed a red velvet dress with beading lining the collar.

I run my hand across the dress, to get a feel of the material.

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