Chapter 13: Alex the control freak

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Zoe's POV

"How did you get in here?" I asked stunned by his presence.

He had his leg crossed over his knee, holding a glass of whiskey in his hand.

Where did he even get that?

"I have my ways," he answered nonchalant, taking a sip of his whiskey.

I thought this nightmare with Alex was finally over. I thought he had disappeared from our lives.

"We didn't finish talking the last time," he said.

I was still trying to figure out how I should react. Should I be angry and kick him out or should I be worried that he has access to my house.

It didn't look like anyone broke in, the lock was perfectly fine.

If I didn't deal with him now, he'd just keep coming back.

"Please sit," he said tapping on the spot beside him. I should be the one giving him permission to sit.

I sat down on the couch opposite him glaring at him.

"Where did you get the whiskey!" I asked. I could smell the whiskey from his glass.

"I brought it from home," he answered.

He placed his glass on the table.

"We need to talk about the future of our child and how we are going to handle things until you give birth." He said.

Something told me whatever plans he had, I wasn't included in the future.

"Yes," I agreed. "I need you to stop popping around everywhere, you becoming a nuisanant." I said.

"Fine," he agreed. "But I will occasionally check up on you and attend all necessary check-ups," he said.

At least we were getting somewhere, I didn't know he could be civilized.

"That sounds fair," I answered.

"I need you to stop working, I need you to only focus on my baby." He said.

Just when I thought we were getting somewhere.

Lately I haven't been at work as often but, that doesn't mean I'll stop going to work completely.

"I can't just stop working, it's my source of income." I said.

"I'll pay for everything, plus you'd be getting a nice bonus when the baby is born." He said.

There he was again, throwing money at his every problem hoping it would go away.

I still don't believe that he owns an entire airline. It's just too credulous. 

"And what will happen to my cafe? And my employees, you can't ask me to do that." I snapped.

"You are lucky I'm allowing you to stay in that building for the next three months." He said.

My guess was correct. I shouldn't have been shocked after our last encounter. He wanted to make sure everyone was under his control.

"Why are you so controlling? Can't you just let me be? It's not like I wanted this," I said.

I needed to calm down or I was going to get sick again. I couldn't calm down with Alex around.

"Nor did I, but I'm going to make sure no harm ever comes near my child." He continued.

It was clear we would never agree on anything. Everytime we met, I ended up adding problems to my list. We should probably ask someone to help us come to an agreement.

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