Chapter 21: Missing Alexander

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Zoe's POV

I frantically played with my fingers as I sat on the clinic bench.

These past two weeks have been difficult. I've had to endure a complete new world all on my own.

The paparazzi is still taunting me. I haven't been able to get to my apartment in the last two weeks.

Reina invited me to stay with her in her one-bedroom apartment which has been a relief.

Walt hasn't left my side and has been helping me deal with this whole situation.

I barely go out, when I do it's with Walt and only if it's important. Walt has even installed a great deal of security systems to Reina's apartment that informs him whenever someone enters the house.

I've been avoiding my parents and haven't answered any of their calls except for answering brief messages telling them that I'm fine.

Above all, I haven't heard anything from Alex. I've called, emailed and left countless messages and voice mails.

I called his receptionist on his office number but she wasn't any helpful and was rude to me instead. She even insinuated that it was a prank call.

He was supposed to be back four days ago. I'm beginning to worry if something had happened to him, but then again I would have heard it in the tabloids.

Today I'm having my first check-up. Although I'm sad that Alex isn't here, I'm glad that I'd finally be able to see my baby.

I didn't want him to miss this but, I've already had to postpone my appointment, it was supposed to be three days ago.

I needed to know if my baby was doing alright.

Whatever the reason why Alex wasn't here, I'm sure it most have been important. He made it more than clear that he wouldn't miss any of the appointments.

His controlling behavior was exhausting at times but, it was good knowing I wasn't doing this alone.

"Zoe Morgans," A nurse read out my name. I stood up to show her I was present.

"The doctor will see you now," she said.

I looked back at Walt who replied  with a small smile, giving me the strength I needed.

I followed the nurse to the pregnancy ward.

For a minute, I got second thoughts.
Maybe if I waited long enough Alex would show up, but I continue walking.

The nurse lead me into a room and instructed me to wait for the door.

In the room, there was a single hospital bed and other medical equipment. The room had pictures of babies, pregnant women and baby handprints. It had a warm welcome that said: Welcome to motherhood.

I removed the heavy black coat and placed it on the side. I'm still hiding from the paparazzi so I've had to take precautions.

I sat on the bed, resting my back into the pillow.

Next to me there was a small screen and a few other medical equipment.

Minutes later and the doctor still hadn't arrived. I was left alone with the white ceiling and my train of thoughts.

I was startled by the sound of the door knob turning.

I looked up to see the doctor walking in. He had a warm, welcoming smile. He was dressed in the usual doctors uniform with a lab coat and a stethoscope around his neck.

He looked like he was in his late sixties and was probably close to retirement.

"Good day," he greeted as I readjusted myself on the bed.

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