4 Path to the Destiny

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Part 4 

There was an amazing response to Arnav's ad. People started calling Aman, within an hour. Aman faced a tough time to deal with people because most of the information is sham and it was just for money. Aman asked them to meet him with proof. Few people approached him with those proofs, Khushi's school watchman, her area grocery shop owner, her cardiologist's compounder and her neighbor Vimla.

Aman called Arnav and conveyed the matter who just came out of the swimming pool relaxing. He became curious hearing Aman.

Aman: ASR I have collected needed information about Khushiji.

Aman: ASR I have collected needed information about Khushiji

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Arnav: Did you send the informers?

Aman: No, they are still here.

Arnav: I will be there in few minutes.

Aman(nervously): ASR....

Arnav: Yeah...

Aman: We have to act fast.

Arnav: Anything serious?

Aman: Yes... Tomorrow is Khushi's marriage.

Arnav (shockingly): Whaaaat!

Aman: Her stepmother has arranged her marriage with a widower who is a father of two children.

Arnav: What the f...

He gritted his teeth.

Aman: Though I have collected all the important details you can inquire them in person, separately if you want.

Arnav: Give me ten minutes.

He disconnected the call. Aman knew why Arnav asked for ten minutes. He wants to cool down himself as his blood would have boiled hearing about Khushi's marriage with a widower. He was right.

Arnav sat on the steel chair closing his eyes. Since he saw her pic, he couldn't say how restless he was. He doesn't know, whether it was she or her smile has done magic on him. He was worried thinking about that "Am I turning into a LOVER?" Neither had he had any sleep nor peace. It seems like, she has stolen his sleep. Restlessness troubled him to the core. Thoughts about Khushi awaken a pain inside him. He was afraid to accept that he likes her. He couldn't fall for her until he gets sure of her feelings for him because one side involvement would only give pain like "his mother's case". He doesn't want to do the same mistake which his mother did.

At the same time, he became furious. How could she agree to marry someone? How his mother's Heart allowed her to accept it? He opened his eyes firmly, getting the reality. It's HIS responsibility to get Khushi not his mother's. His mother had shown his destiny, giving her heart to Khushi. Her part is OVER. It's him who should find the right path to reach her.

He went to meet those persons who were waiting for him.

Aman saw him coming. Arnav stood in front of him.

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