53 Judgement

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Part 53 

Tina: Your honor, my mother had ruined my brother's life by snatching his father from his mother. She was not satisfied with that. She tried her best to ruin his happiness. She wanted to kill my brother and Bhabi so she hired a person to poison his food. My Bhabi ate the food and people knew that. And finally, she arranged a shooter to kill my Bhabi. My father was in extreme anxiety, your honor. He completely lost his inner peace. He felt guilty that because of him his wife and son lost their happy life. They left without helping hand. He got disturbed by my mother's heartless behavior towards my brother. That's why he lost his patience when he saw her at the reception party. My mother is not a good woman your honor. She would have killed the innocents at any cost if she had been alive.

The judge noted down her statement. Arnav's lawyer argued on Tina's statement. The judge announced the judgment date.

Arnav's lawyer Kishan came to them hopelessly.

Kishan: I'm sorry ASR... I can't help as he killed Asha in the public. Many people were around them when he killed her.

Tina: Won't the judge consider my statement?

Kishan: Your statement is what going to lessen the punishment. But he will get minimum punishment for sure.

Khushi: Minimum punishment means?

Kishan: He may get one or two years of prison...

Arnav sighed.

Tina: But he didn't kill a good woman.

Kishan: No one has the right to kill anyone no matter how bad she is. Taking the law in our hands is not acceptable. And he shot her in public. Even a few police were present there.

Arnav and Aman were silently listening to him as they already discussed the factors. In fact, they expected this.

They got back to RM. Arnav looked at Khushi who was so restless.

Arnav: Are you alright?

Khushi: What if Babuji goes to jail?

Arnav: We tried our best Khushi... we can do nothing with it.

Khushi: He was free when he did wrong but when he did good God punished him.

Arnav: Don't you say no one could escape from karma? He is getting punished for his own deeds. He may be repenting now but what about my mother? Won't her tears get answered?

Khushi: But he is really repenting Arnavji.

Arnav: His repentance can change nothing. He will repent more if he left alone in jail. May be your God wanted that... who knows?

Khushi: Are not you feeling bad for him?

Arnav: Of course, I do because I know how torturous to be alone. Knowingly or unknowingly, he gifted the loneliness to me. Now it's his turn to taste the same fruit. I really feel bad at the same time I feel satisfied because he will get time to think of my mother.

His throat choked. Khushi pressed his shoulder.

Arnav: you know how good and pure-hearted woman my mother is? How could a man cheat on a pure soul like her? What if he repents now, will it give our lost happy life? There is no use of repenting, after killing someone because the dead person can't get his life back. DEAD is DEAD.

Khushi: But you tried to save him...

Arnav: Because I'm not unthankful. He saved you... he saved my life... my future...

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