31 Saree

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Part31 Saree

Arnav's penetrating gaze churned the trio's stomach. Tina suppressed her hands to control the shiver whereas Khushi felt her throat dry. But Uditha had little hope as she is the one who told him Tina's call about the poisoned food. Though she bowed down...

Khushi started taking slow steps towards Arnav meeting his eyes. Arnav maintained the eye lock with her, walking towards her.

Khushi (clutched her hands): Arnavji...

Her voice as well as her cold palm told him her state. She entwined her fingers. Soft palm of hers definitely had the potential to make him collapse. And Arnav felt it.

Khushi: Tina is the one who alerted me about the poisoned food. She is not what you are thinking Arnavji. She really is repenting for what her mother had done to you. She just came to know about my health condition. Actually, I too want to thank her for helping me to save you Arnavji...

She managed to recite all this in between her shivering voice.

Arnav removed her hand making Khushi nervous. He started walking, making her more nervous. He stopped and turned his head towards Tina. She gulped, clutching her shawl.

As no one expected...Arnav said,

Arnav(looking at Tina): Thanks.

Uttering it, he headed to his room, with "no more confusion" face. We should thank God as the trio didn't get HEART ATTACK. They went like a statue. They took a few seconds to back to reality.


They continued their unbelievable stare at the stairs for long, even after Arnav left to his room.

They looked at one another with the same expression. Khushi smiled closing her mouth by her palm whereas Tina got tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe that Arnav really said that. She rushed to Khushi and hugged her crying. Khushi tapped her back lovingly.

Khushi: I know... my Arnavji is a man of excellence.

Tina (nodding yes): But I didn't expect that I would see the other side of him. It's because of you Bhabi.... Thank you so much.

Khushi: You deserve it.

Tina: I love you so much Bhabi...

Khushi: I too love you so much for your help.

Tina: It's my responsibility... in fact, I'm selfish here. I don't want my mother to become a murderer. She is already a sinner Bhabi...

She said wiping her running tears.

Khushi: Everything will be alright.

Tina: I really wish so...

Khushi: Don't worry... Devi Maiya won't give up on good people.

She nodded yes.

Tina: ok Bhabi... I have to go.

Khushi: But why? Your Bhai is fine with his sister's presence it seems... hmmm?

She said smilingly.

Tina(smilingly): I don't want to take advantage of his generousness Bhabi.

Khushi(sighing): Ok. but keep coming...

Tina: Sure...

They shared a formal hug and Tina left.

Khushi rushed to her room. Arnav who just came out of the washroom rooted seeing her. Khushi rushed to him and hugged. Arnav smiled mildly.

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