21 Is that Asha's Job?

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Part 21 

Next Morning

Arnav went to AR early in the morning as he had a video conference. Khushi saw his room is locked. She rushed to the kitchen.

Khushi: HPJI, where is Arnavji?

HP: He went to the office.

Khushi: Why so earlier?

HP: Don't know Khushiji.

Khushi: Did he eat anything?

HP: No, not even coffee.

Khushi thought for a while. She took the box and stuffed the breakfast.

Khushi: HPJI, will you give it to Arnavji?

HP was supposed to say YES, he looked at Uditha who nodded NO.

HP: Ohh Khushiji, I want to go to the market to buy Arnav baba's medicine.

Khushi: Ohh... shall I go?

HP: Of course, Khushiji...

She came out taking the box, calling for Mohan. He obeyed her as Arnav relaxed all the control which he put at first.


Khushi entered AR with a breakfast bag. The receptionist who just arrived saw Khushi.

Khushi got stuck seeing a magnificent office. She doesn't know where Arnav would be. She asked the receptionist.

Khushi: Where is Arnavji's room?

Receptionist: Room? It's Cabin.... Not room...

She mocked.

Khushi: Ok, where is Arnavji's Cabin?

Recep: Who are you?

Khushi: I'm his wife....

The receptionist got bewildered. Her index finger automatically rose towards Arnav's cabin which was on the first floor with grand glass walls. Khushi was about to go, the receptionist stopped her.

Receptionist: He is in the video conference, ma'am.

Khushi: Video conference?

Rece: Yeah... (Pointing the hall) he is there.

Khushi: Ohh... can I sit here?

Rece: You can sit in his cabin...

Khushi: No problem. I will be here.

Khushi sat in the reception, expecting Arnav's arrival. She didn't have the courage to step into his cabin without his permission.

After half an hour, Arnav came out of the conference hall followed by many people. His legs got glued on the floor, witnessing an unexpected person in front of him. Arnav felt like his legs raising from the floor... he was flying literally. Aman's face brightened. 


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