making friends

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"Sandy I told you not to hangout with strangers" he replies with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Well wou wouldn't push me so swhe did" she replies trying to sound tough.

I laughed and his gaze met mine and his face lit up. "oh uh hey " he scratches his neck. 

"Sandy we've got to go home, mum said dinner was done".

"I have to go but will dou pway with me soon. She jumps up and down.

"Of course I will"

"Hey umm can I have your number so you can hang out with my sister again" he looked extremely nervous.

"yeah why not" I gave him my phone, he put his number in and handed it back.

Sandy waved as they left the park

I decided to head home, once I got home my dad wasn't there.

No beating good for me.

I went upstairs and had a cold shower and checked my bloody bruises and to re bandage them.

I rushed back to my room not knowing when my dad would be back, I got dressed into some pj's. My room was so plain, I had a pillow and a cot mattress on the ground with a blanket. I had a chest of drawers against one wall and a desk against the other.

Nothing in my room was valuable, or sentimental expect for my sisters necklace which I wore all the time.

I decided to go to bed, he can eat the left overs from last night, I dozed off.

I was woken by a thud, someone was coming upstairs I pretended I was asleep.

He barged open my door, and threw something at me. "get up, and make my food and get your ass to school".

I heard the door slam, I quickly got up and dressed and made breakfast.

After I gave him breakfast I ran up to the bathroom, to cover my bruises with concealer. I looked everywhere I slammed the cupboard, how will I cover these I can't let anyone see them.

I search my room for my black hoodie and cover my face the best i can raced  down stairs and out the door.

The walk to school wasn't to bad, I went straight to my locker with my head down. 

Whilst walking to my locker alot of the girls were staring at me and whipering into each others ears. It made me feel disgusting. A tall figure was leaning up against my locker as I got closer I realized it was hunter I tightened my hoodie so my bruises weren't visible.


"Hey" I reply keeping my head down. There was a bit of awkward silence so I shut my locker and turned towards were my class was. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back " I need to talk to you".

That hurt so much, He rolled my sleeve up when he pulled me I tried to roll it back down but I failed his eyes went straight to my wrists. Before I could.

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