The truth revealed

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He examins my wrist.
"What are these from" he grabs hold of my hand

"I fell down the stairs".

I could tell he doesn't believe me but worth a shot. He pulled back my hoodie I didn't even try to stop him it was like I knew he would help me. Would he?

"Who.the.fuck.did.that."he said, Why was he so angry. It's not like anyone could actually do anything let alone care.

"I told you I fell down the stairs"

"What a fucking lie" I was getting scared why was he angry did I make him mad. I pulled my arm back and ran away. Fixing up my hoodie tears formed in my eyes but I wouldn't let them fall because people will see that I'm weak.

The day went by fast I think they may of ditched or something because I didn't see hunter or his friends.

Once it was time to go home. I ran most of the way so I wouldn't be home late.

Once I was home my dad was sitting on the couch with an empty beer bottle in his hand.

I tried to enter quitley but failed.
He glared at me from across the room and got up, and made his way towards me.

I ran to my room in fear.

I could hear his footsteps coming up the stairs and kicked the door open he walked over to me and smashed his beer bottle over my head knocking me to the ground. What had I done this time to deserve this.

"Fucking bitch cant even make breakfast', "How fucking  lazy are you". One little mistake and this is what goes down.

He started kicking me until I saw blood and black dots dancing in my vision.

I could hear but not see, he soon walked away after a few more kicks and a satisfying crack.

I heard fainted banging downstairs it was probably him throwing stuff around.

Hunters pov

As soon as I saw them bruises I knew she definitely didn't fall down the stairs. Why would she lie about that.

I could tell something was wrong because she's been avoiding me all day. I ended up leaving to get some info on her.

I'm gonna get my guys to see what they can find out about her, I ring my tech guy.

"Johno can you find out what you know about Lea Nile".

"Yes boss"


20 minutes later:

"Boss I found some stuff about the girl"

"What did you find"

Her full name is: Lea Jane Nile
Age: 17
Address: 14 Willow avenue
Siblings: Deceased killed by unknown
Parents: Nikki Nile and Harry Nile.
Been in hospital multiple times for all different reason including the mental ward, self harming and having broken bones.

And that's all that is on her record it's pretty blank."

" Thankyou"  my mind wanders to the reasons she's been in the hospital. I pull up a photo of her parents and surely I've seen her father before.

I'm going to pay him a little visit.

2 hours later

I gathered a few men, something about this doesn't seem right nothing adds up. We are going to save my girl. Even though it's pretty much kidnapping she's mine.

We've moved in towards her house we barged open the door. The TV was on. But no one was here. The place was filthy

I ran to stairs and barged open the first door and seeing her pathetic father with some chick, seriously?

The chick ran out trying to gather her clothes. We shot him in the arm and tied him up he struggled to get out of my men's grip, I punched him knocking him out cold. I'll be getting some answers out of this son of a bitch later.

I made my way to the last bedroom and was disgusted by what I saw.

Lea was on the ground unconscious covered in blood. She looked terrible i cant belive someone would do this to their own daughter.

I checked her pulse it was so weak, I carefully picked her up and carried her outside.

Jack drove to the gang headquarters where we had a private hospital whilst I sat in the back with my angel. How could someone do this to her she's so innocent.

Once we arrived at the hospital,
The nurses rushed out and put her on a stretcher bed she went straight into the surgery room. I was pushed out and told to calm down I was headed down to the basement where her father was to get some answers and blow of some steam

3 hours later

She was out of surgery. I walked in to the hospital she was hooked up to dozens of  tubes and wires I hated this I couldn't stand it.

Lea's pov:

I woke up in an unfamiliar room on a comfortable surface. Something I wasn't used to the room spelled of bleach or some cleaning product. It was so strong.

I slowly opened my eyes to be met with a blinding light I closed them and let my eyes adjust. Once i could see i looked around the room hunter was asleep in the chair next to my bed.

A man walked in, who were these people where am I

I sat up trying to get away I pulled out some dripping thing.

Hunter grabbed my hands to calm me down, he sat me back on the bed "Lea calm down its okay doc just wants to check on you"

I calmed down but I was still on edge.

"Where am I Hunter"

"Youre sort of  in a hospitial, Don't worry your safe your never gonna see that monster again"

I felt reasured once hearing those words, But scared as to what is gonna happen to me. Where am I gonna go I have no where now.

"Okay Lea you need a lot of rest not any large movements or exercise until healed and take it easy, and take these every 3 hours." the doctor said.

He sat pain killers on the bedside table beside me.

I nodded my head and he left.

"I'm gonna let you get some sleep OK then we need to talk" hunter said walking out of the room.

I looked around more the room didn't look like any hospital I'd been in, It was strange but It felt right.

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