Am I jealous?

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Once we pulled into the drive way I got a better look at how beautiful the house is, it was giant.

There were multiple fancy cars parked in the driveway and I thought that was weird cause they weren't there before.

I got out of the car and opened the boot. I grabbed a few bags but the boys took them off me. My legs were killing me after today.

I struggled to walk inside and up the few steps out the front. I need a wheelchair or something  my legs hurt so bad.

I walked in and the whole lounge room is filled with people and Hunter is sitting with a random girl on his lap. She was definitely a model. It hurts to see him with some one else.  I actually felt jealous. Why though he would never like me.

All eyes turn to me and hunters eyes meet mine, they filled with instant regret. I walked out of their and into one of the rooms, I locked the door

"LEA" I hear hunter yell out my name. Pain went through my body as I collapsed on the floor and started crying.

Hunter started banging on the door, it was no lie that it scared me. It scared  me so much was he going to hurt me.

Hunters pov

Vanessa, one of the girls of my gang had sat on my lap in the meeting. She acts like we are together fuck I hate this chick.

As soon as I was about to push her of Lea walked in.

She made eye contact with me and jogged away she looked like she was in a lot of pain. The bitch wouldn't get of i pushed her onto the floor and ran after lea.

"LEA" I yelled out hoping she'd stop but she just kept going I knew she'd be in pain I didn't know which room she went in, until I heard her sobbing.

She locked the door, I started banging on the door and I stopped when I heard her sobbing even louder.

I had already dismissed my gang so they all went home or to the jobs I sent them on.

"Hunter go downstairs and calm down your scaring her" my little sister Kiana said she was only two years younger than me making her 16.

I huffed and went downstairs.

Leas pov

I heard footsteps leaving from the other side of the door.

I heard a light knock on the door and I knew it wasn't hunter.

I opened the door a little and a beautiful brunette about  my age was standing there.

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