Chapter 32: Kyles Are Assholes

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There's a lot of things I would rather be doing right now.

Throwing myself off a cliff into raging waters below is one of them.

Eating a live octopus is another one.

At this point, I'd even consider sitting through one of Mr.Griffith's lessons without falling asleep if it meant getting out of talking to Aaron.

But, unfortunately, I'm the one that decided I was going to attempt to talk to him, and, again, unfortunately, I have to go through with it.

Talking about myself is not something I thought I would have a hard time doing, especially if it's with someone I know.

It's hard.

And something i would rather not be doing at this particular moment in time, as we already established.


"You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to."


Wait, no, not great; I need to talk to him.

Cue exaggerated sigh.


I can do this. I just have to say words. Words are easy. I talk good.

Deep breath. "I met Kyle when I was fourteen." Jesus, hardest thing I've ever said. Did my throat just close up? "He was fifteen, and we became fast friends. When I turned sixteen, he was seventeen, and he asked me out." I swallow nervously. Fuck. "I, uh, I'm pretty sure I loved him." Did I? Because I only like Aaron at this point, and I've known Kyle longer and the things I feel for Aaron are stronger than anything I ever felt for Kyle. "We started dating and having..." Why did I tell myself to do this? "Having the sex." Yep, that was definitely a good way of wording that. "I was a sophomore, and looking back I know that it was a little too early for love, but it didn't feel like that when I walked in on Kyle having sex with a girl in my bed." Aaron lets out a series of coughs, but I ignore them and continue. "It...broke my heart. My first serious relationship, and he ruined my trust like that. I was crying just now because he, um, he called me, wanting to talk, and tried to apologise, saying he was drunk, and I said something, and he said––"

Nope, that's as much as he's getting.

"I'm hungry. Do you want a sandwich? I would love one." I stand up from the couch.

Aaron grabs hold of my arm and pulls me back down to the couch, causing me to sigh.

"He insulted my dog that died when I was fourteen. Freshman year. I lashed out at everyone, and he knows that, and he used it against me and then I started thinking about things and next thing I knew I was crying."

We sit in silence for a few minutes until he speaks. "Kyles are assholes, huh?"

I shoot him a confused look. "What?"

"The guy that got Autumn hooked on drugs? His name was Kyle, too."

My eyes widen as I take in this information and pair it with Autumn's reaction to seeing Kyle at the mall.

I jump off the couch––bad idea––and start hopping on one leg towards the stairs, hopping up them once I reach them.

I feel myself start to fall backwards––come on self, I though you were coordinated––but someone––Aaron––catches me.

"Where are you going, Cassie?"

"Autumn's room." I feel him start to ask why, but I interrupt him before he can. "Just take me there."

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