BC #1: I Can't Believe I Love You

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I will be labeling bonus chapters as 'BC', just because the title gets too long and you can't see the genius that is (are??) my title names. Bonus chapters will be a little shorter than regular chapters, so just a heads up. I am also still taking requests, so comment anything you want to see happen. This is not just limited to Aaron and Cassie; it could be a one shot of Gracie and Cole, or Rick and Jake, or Adrian and Autumn, or even Cassie's parents. Most anything you can think of, I'll try to write it. (A lot of people have already requested a mature scene between Cassie and Aaron; i am already working on that. Ftr, I'm trying to keep it below R-rated, so it's going to be a little above PG-13.)

Also, sequel information: about twenty minutes ago, I was not planning on writing a sequel, just because I didn't really know what it would be about, but a wonderful reader commented an idea and BOOM inspiration. More on that later (at the end of chapter).


"Fuck you," I say, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at Aaron.

"Cassie, come on," he laughs. "Don't be like that."

"Don't talk to me," i sniff, turning my head in the opposite direction. I see Cole's stupid face, and the anger in me rises.

"It's just a game, Cassie."

"Fuck you," I say again, refusing to look at him.

"Well, Cass, you still have to draw twelve," Cole says.

I grumble under my breath, but I still reach forward to draw twelve cards from the stack of Uno cards.

We had decided to play Uno, the card game that ruins relationships, at my house. Gracie is in Michigan to visit family for spring break, so that meant everyone, except for Ricky and Jake, had nothing to do. I didn't protest when Adrian suggested we play Uno, but now I wish I had.

Because I'm about to cut a bitch.

Adrian had placed down a draw four card and Cole, to avoid drawing four, had placed down one of his own. Aaron, the asshole that he is, instead of taking the hit and drawing eight, had placed his own draw four card down, leaving me to draw twelve fucking cards.

And I only had one more card left.

"Cassie, I'm sorry, but I had to."

I glare at him, but he doesn't flinch. He keeps staring at me with his usual dimpled smile, and I feel myself breaking.

Letting out a sigh, I finish drawing my cards. I slouch back against the couch, pouting at Aaron.

"I thought you loved me. You should've taken one for the team."

He laughs. "Maybe next time."

I scowl at him, but he just crosses his arms and relaxes back into the couch opposite the one I'm sitting on.

"You're an ass, did you know that?"

"Love you too, baby."

I melt.

I melt like ice on asphalt in the middle of summer at high noon. Not even the coldest room could get me to materialize as a solid.

Resisting the Player -- [Completed - Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now