Chapter 45: Kayla

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Ended up having to split it into three :/


I've never thought about death.

I mean, I have—who hasn't—but I've never thought about what happens after.

From a scientific point of view, it doesn't make sense.

The neurons in your brain stop firing, so movement stops, thinking stops, seeing stops.

There's just...nothing.

Which is a weird concept to think about.

If dying means everything stops, how do you know you're dead?

Sure, you can be dying and know you're dying, but after that, when you're actually dead, how can you be sure you're not alive?

You can't see anything, you can't think about anything, you can't do anything.

So what happens?

It's something that's always messed with my brain, and I should not be thinking about it now, as I'm about to meet Aaron's aunt and uncle and cousins, but I felt like I was dying earlier and now I can't stop thinking about it.

Everything felt so real, it felt like we hit something and I was bleeding out and dying, but I wasn't.

Aaron said he swerved to avoid an animal that ran out onto the road, and then he pulled over to the side of the road because I was freaking out.

What is wrong with me?

That wouldn't have scared me before the accident, and I don't want it to scare me now.


I turn my head to the left to see Aaron looking at me, the worry clear on his face as we sit parked in the driveway of his aunt's house.

He reaches out to place a hand on my thigh, and I feel myself relaxing, thoughts about death fading away.

"We can drive back if you're not up for this. It's not important, and they won't be upset."

I honestly want to agree to that.

But I can't.

Despite what Aaron said, this is important. Maybe not to his family, but it's obviously important to him, which means it's important to me.

Which means I'm going to have to suck it up and go through awkward introductions to make Aaron happy.

The things I would do for him.

"No, it's alright. I'll be fine."

I can see the way his eyes brighten, but he doesn't move, his hand still on my thigh.

"You sure?"

I nod my head, and he gets out of the car, on my side and helping me step out as soon as I open the door.

He holds his hand out and bows dramatically, causing me to roll my eyes, but I take his hand and get out of the car.

Closing the door behind me, Aaron grabs my hand, interlocking our fingers as we walk together, heading towards their front door.

Once we reach it, Aaron rings the doorbell and we wait in silence, hands still locked together.

As soon as the door opens, a dog is barreling towards me, knocking me down, which causes my hand to release itself from Aaron's grip.

A flurry of licks and fur obscure my vision, and I can't help the laugh that leaves my mouth.

The dog is finally lifted off of me, and I see it's a golden retriever, one that's struggling against the literal male copy of Aaron.

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