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Guys. (Almost what fifteen hours later than when I said this would be published oop.)

Thank you for all the wonderful input in the last chapter. It really helped me out with deciding where to take Caron's story next :)

So, here it is (this was a really hard decision to make, and i think the way I chose to do things will eventually make everyone happy, please don't get upset and please make sure you read all the way through from here on out):

I'll be doing the first option.

But! But but but! Let me tell you why:

I personally feel like I'll have a hard time—but not too hard of a time—writing it. It's gonna be sad and kind of angsty, yes, and I'm not that good at writing emotional stuff like that, because my personality is literally the opposite like not sad at all, but I feel like it's a good way to grow as a writer. And i, along with many other readers, think that this is a good way to showcase the more difficult parts of a relationship, and the things distance and other aspects can do to college relationships (already sounds kind of heartbreaking doesn't it?).

I've already planned out the basic plot of the sequel, and when you read it, I will give you a shout-out, a follow, and maybe some other things if you don't cry once throughout the whole book. It's sad, warning you now, but sad in a good way you know like, yes it's sad, but it's the kind of sad that makes you smile and laugh through the big fat tears rolling down your face.

But, even though it will be sad, I promise there will still be cute bits of Caron fluff all throughout the book :).

Okay, okay, so technically more people wanted the one following their kids, I think, but I do have a plan for that (suggested to me by so many lovely and dedicated readers):

We're writing a trilogy. (Who's excited?!)

Technically the one about their kids will be more of a spin-off but who cares about the formalities (not me that's for sure).

So basically, what's going to end up happening is this:

I'm going to start the sequel (which will be them in college). I'm going to be, hopefully, consistently updating the sequel to the point where I can get it finished relatively quickly. After that, I'll get started on the third book/spin-off. When all three books are completed, I will be doing some hardcore editing—a time in which I may go AWOL from responding to comments, PMs, etc, and my other works may go not updated/placed on hold—of all three books.

Pretty cool, right?

So yea. This is a process that's most likely going to take months. I really do hope you'll stick with me and Cassie and Aaron through the process of their stupid fights paired with cute moments, even if it will be a little emotionally trying at times.

Aaron says he considers all of you wonderful females placed in a special place in his heart, one that's almost as big as the one reserved for Cassie. (For the males, if any, you guys are his dudes and have a space dedicated to you in the Dude Hall of Fame, if that's even a thing XD.)

Cassie says she tolerates all of you equally, I guess.

Just kidding! She loves you less than Gracie but more than Brittany and Gabs.

I expect the sequel to be out within the next week or two, I have to find the perfect cover, title, etc. (I'm thinking of: The Rest of Our Lives. Anybody remember that??)

I am taking suggestions for titles and cover ideas, for either the sequel or the third book (what is that called; a threequel??), so feel free to leave them if you have any.

Also, and some of you have already did this in spots within the actually story, I could really use your help with something:

Throughout the whole storyline that is Resisting The Player, what are some of the biggest plot holes you've seen or found or whatever? I could really use this for a) future bonus chapters and b) things to clear up in the rewritten version :)

Thank you <3<3

Ooh, wait! So you know the movie, or the book, Alice in Wonderland?? The Mad Hatter is mad (crazy mad, not mad mad), right? Well, i know why!

Ahem. In olden days, I don't really know actually, hats used to be made with Mercury. Basically Mercury is radioactive substance tht affects the brain. Prolonged exposure can lead to problems with brain function/brain damage, which is why you go crazy, and can eventually lead to death, which is why the death rate/count for hatters back then was so high.

I was supposed to be checking things out for online schooling, and then decided to do some research for writing and ended up finding that out (I also somehow managed to land on ao3 where i proceeded to stay for the next three hours so yeah).

Does anybody know why a raven is like a writing desk??



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