Chapter Thirty-Five: Jake

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"Ari, you've been in there for two days. Can you at least eat something?" Lila's soft voice rang out through my silent room. I didn't want to see her. I went back to watching my wristwatch count down the seconds until another minute passed.

"Mom, do we know if she's even in there?" Someone asked softly. I had tried to leave once through the window, but the drop had been way too high and I didn't feel like finding a bunch of sheets and blankets to tie together.

"She's still in there." Lila said sternly. It was almost as if she couldn't believe otherwise. I didn't want to hear them talking about me like I wasn't there. But I didn't want to speak to them, even through a door.

So, I found a notepad and started writing.

'Yes, I'm still here. I need someone to talk to me. Can you please ask Jake if he'd be willing?'

I slid the note under the door and waited for a reaction. I heard faint whispers. It sounded like even more people had joined in on the conversation.

"I'll go call Jake." Someone muttered.





I wanted someone to tell me what was going on in the world. I wanted someone who would tell me what was going on with Kas and her... Funeral. I wanted someone who wouldn't sugarcoat whatever they said around me because they thought I was going to break.

And I was lonely.

Usually I would've called Kas but that wasn't exactly and option anymore.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Ariel, Jake's here. Can you unlock the door and let him in?"Ethan asked. I moved my stiff and aching limbs towards the door. Everything felt like a battle lately. Getting up and sitting down. Sleeping. Eating.

I didn't know what was wrong with me.

I tried reading but I found no joy in it anymore. What was wrong with me? It wasn't like I was the one who was dead.

Jake lazily walked into my room, but made sure to shut and lock my door behind him. I was almost happy that he understood I didn't want to see any of my family. But did family do what they had done to me? Jake laid out on my bed, stretching till he took up the entire space.

"You wanted me here, I'm here. Why am I here and not Carter?" He asked. I shrugged and continued staring at my watch. We sat in silence for about five minutes before I found the words.

"You're a jerk. I need someone who won't sugarcoat things because they think I'm breakable." I whispered. I wasn't sure Jake had heard me, as he stayed quiet for a long time after that. I wanted to know what was going on inside his head.

"Okay. So what do you want to know?" He asked. I didn't hear him get up but I saw him walking towards me. He sat down next to me on the floor and leaned against the wall. Just like what I was doing.

"The funeral." I said. It wasn't a question. It was a statement.

Jake took a deep breath.

"Ari, do you really want to know-" He started, but I cut him off. I knew it was rude, I just couldn't find it within myself to care.

"Yes. But more than that, I have to know." I said strongly. It was the most my voice had risen since I had yelled at Lila the day I found out. Two entire days of nothing but whispering to myself and keeping my mouth shut.

I was almost amazed that my vocal cords still worked.

"It's happening tomorrow. Whole school is going since there isn't going to be any actual family. People all over have been asking about you. Asking if you're okay. It's not going to be a huge service, but everyone at school chipped in a bit and raised enough money for it. Her parents refused to pay for anything and she didn't have any other family. Lila is handling everything that we didn't raise." Jake said gently.

It wasn't the gentle where he was scared I was going to break into a million pieces. It was a gentle that said he was sorry for my pain. He didn't pity me. He sympathized, which was much better than pity.

"Her father?" I whispered. I wanted to know what was being done against that monster. He killed his own daughter. What type of monster did that?

"The trial is coming up. He's looking at life in prison for Second Degree." He said with a shrug. I was glad that Micah wouldn't be free from repercussions just because of his job. I couldn't help but hope that the inmates who had a thing about hurting kids hurt Micah for what he did.

"News?" I asked. Jake scoffed.

"New York is in a rage. Little girl killed by her abusive father who worked on the Police Force? News is making this into more of a circus than anything. Someone also dropped your name, making the news want to interview you. When they dropped your last name the news went into a frenzy wanting to interview you, since you were one of the famous Steel kids. Lila stepped in and handled that though." Jake said with a sigh.

"I should thank her." I whispered solemnly. Jake nodded. He then looked at me from the corner of his eye.

"Yeah, you should. Why aren't you talking to her? Or any of the boys, for that matter?" He asked. My shoulders slumped.

I was so tried all of a sudden.

"They didn't tell me. I had to find out my best friend was dead through condolence messages from random people. I didn't even know why I was getting all those texts." I gave a short, dry chuckle that made my shoulders jerk.

It was like that sudden laugh caused the tears to start up again, because the next thing I knew, I was crying.

Jake put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. I didn't think he really liked me, but he knew that I was mourning.

He knew I was suffering from my loss.

If only he knew how much I was really suffering.

I couldn't help but blame myself for everything that happened to Kas. I mean, I knew she was being abused and I didn't say anything. Maybe I was afraid she would hate me. Maybe I was afraid she would leave me and I would be left with no one who truly understood.

In the end she did leave me. Permanently. Against her will.

And it was all my fault.

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