Chapter Fifty-Six: Team Up

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Anticipation thrummed through my veins, making my entire body feel like a live wire. I wanted to see them, and at the same time I didn't. I was still angry they didn't trust me, hurt that it took my father blatantly admitting it to their faces for them to finally believe me. 

I didn't know what to think. And then I didn't have time to think anything because my door was being thrown open and a pair of arms wrapped around me tightly. 

Lila's tears soaked the shoulder of my hospital gown. Her sobs wracked her body, making my body jolt as every sob left her lips. 

I stayed motionless. What was I supposed to do? Hug her, pretend like everything was okay?

Nothing was okay. Why pretend it was?

"Mrs. Steel, I think it's best if you give Ariel a bit of space right now." Mia said, her voice breaking the silence that surrounded me. I was almost thankful she did. I didn't know what to say and the silence was suffocating. 

"The divorce was finalized yesterday. It's Ms." Lila corrected Mia, standing straight and wiping away her tears. 

"I'm sorry. You probably want some alone time to talk things out, but I'll be right outside if you need me." Mia said. I was sure she was talking to me, but it was like I couldn't see her. My vision had tunneled on a spot on the wall. 

Lila hugged me? 

Did that mean she still wanted me?

"Ariel, how are you feeling?" Gabriel asked, anxiously looking over me. He wanted to make sure I wasn't hurt or in any extra pain. I had pain medication running through my veins so I couldn't really feel the ache that was always there. 

Well, used to always be there. 

"Alright, I guess. How are you guys?" I asked hesitantly. I was afraid to talk. Afraid that the second I said something wrong, they would scoff at me, call me pathetic for letting my father walk over me my whole life, and then storm out of my life. 

"We're okay. Worried about you." Xavier said, shifting from foot to foot. They were all uncomfortable. Maybe they were as afraid of rejection as I was. Only they were afraid of being rejected by me, someone who had no power. 

His words, his actions, everything was hesitant. Like he was both afraid to scare me and afraid to startle me. 

I looked over at Jaydon, whose arm was in a white sling. I could see the edges of bandages peeking out at the collar of his shirt. 

He was definitely going to scar.

My father left his mark of violence and hatred on all of us. 

"You don't need to be. I'm perfectly fine." I said with a half smile, hoping that the smile I offered was enough to reassure them. I didn't have enough energy to come up with a full smile. Nor did I want to fully smile. 

"But, everything we saw-" Ethan started, confused. I looked him straight in his blue eyes when I spoke, my voice steady and completely relaxed.

"Was a normal occurrence for me. Like I said, I'm perfectly fine. Other than being a little drugged up at the moment, that is." I gave a small chuckle towards the end of my words. I wasn't sure how Lila and the boys would take what I said. 

I hoped they would take it in stride, but when has that ever happened?

"Fine? Ariel, he took a crowbar to your knee and you didn't make a sound! He admitted to killing your mother in front of you. Jaydon said that your father's being beating you for years; since birth. What the heck is so fine about that?" Kade nearly screamed. 

I flinched away from the loud noise. Yelling always brought back unpleasant memories. I wanted to not flinch, but I couldn't help it. It was instinctual. 

"Ari, Kade isn't going to hurt you." Lila whispered, laying her hand on top of mine. Kade paled at the thought of his yelling scaring me. I nodded. 

"I know that. I just... I'm not really okay with loud noises." I mumbled, ashamed of my own inability to be normal. I had hoped that once my father was away from me, once he was out of my life for good, I would be normal once more. 

It didn't work out like that.

The door hinges creaked again and an older looking lady with a grey streak running through her red hair walked into the room. 

"Excuse me, I'm Mrs. Greene. I'm the Children's Trauma Counselor here." She said, smiling at everyone widely. She shook Lila's hand vigorously. It seemed like she was a Steel fan. Oh boy.

"It's nice to meet you. I guess you're here to talk to Ariel?" Lila asked. Mrs. Greene looked confused for a minute, then looked down at the manila file in her hands. She started shaking her head.

"No, I've been assigned to talk to Jaydon and the other boys. I don't know who has been assigned Ariel's case, but I can check." Mrs. Greene muttered, looking at the floor meekly. Lila was furious. 

I could see that much, even through my drug induced haze. Pain meds, they work wonders every time. 

"Please do." Lila bit out. Mrs. Greene ran from the room, nearly leaving a trail of smoke in her wake. Lila calmed herself down a little bit more before turning towards me.

"Mom, why would they give me a therapist and not Ariel?" Jaydon asked, rubbing his hand along his forearm. It was a comforting gesture. He was comforting himself, as he felt guilty. Huh, being put under the influence of high doses of pain medicine made me very therapist-y.

"I don't know. But I'm going to have a chat with Mia." Lila said and then stormed from the room, anger following her like a wave of chilling air. I had shivers going down my spine from fear and I wasn't even the one her anger was pointed at. 

"Ten bucks says Mia is going to be just as mad as mom is." Zander said, sighing with a small smile. I didn't want to even think about what Mia and Lila would do once teamed up in their anger over someone mistreating me. 

I could only hope that someone wasn't murdered when Lila and Mia teamed up.

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