Chapter Fifty-Three: Sirens

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You guys can thank xoxo_reese for the POV change in this chapter! Hope you like it. Tell me if I need to stop trying to write in new people's perspectives. If it's good, shoot me a comment and I'll do more chapters like this. If it sucks, shoot me a comment and I'll stop. Thanks, my peoples. Love you lots! Hope you enjoy.

Kade's POV

"Don't hurt them. They can't take the pain. Hurt me. I can take all the pain you dish out and more." Ariel said, her tone cold and confident, like she knew she would get her way. I wanted to yell and scream for her to shut her mouth and let someone else handle this situation.

But fear of what was about to happen caused my lips to freeze. The fear made my thoughts flee from my head.

Elliot looked like he was debating, arguing with himself about something. Then he shrugged and said "Sounds fair to me."

The sound of the crowbar hitting flesh is something that I couldn't stomach. With anger flooding my system, I wrenched at the ropes and tried to get out and save Ariel. But I don't think anyone could make a sound. And then I was frozen again.

She was hunched over, breathing heavily, but quiet.

How could someone just take a hit with a crowbar like that?

I stopped moving. The ropes were too tight and there was no way I was breaking out of them anytime soon. I had hoped that I would be able to pull off some move that you always see in the movies. You know the ones where the guy unties himself easily, and then goes and unties all his friends, only to stand in the villians way?

Yeah, I wanted to do that. But I shook those thoughts out of my head. There was no way any of that was possible. This wasn't some cheesy movie where the hero got to save the girl. This was real life. The girl had to save herself, and maybe everyone else. But I doubted that would happen. Ariel's face... She was terrified. Not for herself, no, she's too selfless for that. She was afraid of something else.

"And here I thought you didn't like toys?" My idiot of a baby sister (who didn't know when to keep her mouth shut) broke the silence. Toys? What the hell? Everyone held their breath. None of us had ever imagined we would be in this situation.

Mom made sure we were too well trained to be attacked and overpowered, and it wasn't like we could be taken by surprise. We didn't trust anyone who could possibly have some ulterior motive. Until my mother married the biggest crazy this side of the Mississippi.

"So that's what you really think, huh?" Elliot asked, his voice going hard and cold. I had never heard anything but warm things from him before. It was honestly like he had some sort of evil twin brother who just happened to have the same name. I mean, sure, the guy gave me the creeps from time to time, but I always brushed it off. I figured that I should've been grateful for Elliot bringing Ariel into my life and not say anything that could've gotten her taken away from us.

I should have done something.

"Elliot, please, leave her alone. I'll do whatever you want me to. Money, a place to stay, a way out of the country. Just... Please don't hurt her." Mom begged, her voice cracking. She couldn't help but fear losing another member of her family. My sister and then my father were bad enough. She wouldn't be able to bear losing Ariel too.

When he hit her... Rage rushed through my veins like never before. So, I started yanking at the ropes again and screaming every horrible thing I could think of. Of course, nothing happened other than my wrists were bloody and red from the ropes and my throat was hoarse from the screaming.

"We had a deal." Ariel snapped, looking at Elliot with cold eyes. I was positioned so I could see her if I sat forward and turned as much as possible. The position wasn't comfortable, but it was better than wondering what was happening.

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