Chapter 9

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Jasmine’s POV

I can hear someone shouting beside me, but my body just don’t wants to react. I cant even feel my body, its if I was flying. Then every thing goes black. When I awake the next time I cant move my body, either. But the feeling of flying isn’t there anymore. I can hear an ambulance in the background, but its really low. And everything goes black again.

When I awake for the third time my body hurts and I can hear voices around me. Its like people are talking too loud. Its hurting my ears, but I try to understand what they are saying.

“…found in the forest…”

“…the poor girl…”

“…don’t know what happened..”

“… police and the family are one the way..” after that I go unconscious again. What I’m thankful for.

Then I wake up for the forth time, I can feel my body again and the pain isn’t that much this time. I try to hear something: after a while I start to hear people talking in the background. A woman is crying and two men are talking.

Little by little I can hear more and more. Sometime after I can open my eyes a little bit, but the light hurts in my eyes and a let out a groan. Suddenly the woman stops crying and the men stop talking. I move my hand to protect my eyes and try to open my eyes again.

“Jasmine? Jasmine baby girl? Can you hear me?” the woman asks me. It takes a while for me to open my eyes completely. I look around the room. Wow I’m in a hospital room, everything is white. And then I look at the people and recognise my parents and my brother.

“mom, dad? Nate???” I try to ask but it comes out like a cough and I start to cough. “water, please”

“here you go sis” Nate gives me a glass of water. After a few minutes I can talk again.

“why am I in the hospital?” I ask my parents. Exact in that moment a doctor comes in  and looks at me.

“ good you’re awake. How are you feeling?” he asks me.

“I think I’m ok. But that can’t be true, otherwise I wouldn’t be in the hospital, would I?” I answer him.

“haha, yeah you’re right. Don’t worry. You aren’t really hurt.” He gives me a smile I don’t buy. He looks at my parents and tells them to come out with him. That’s the first time I know something happened with me and I get worried. I try to remember the last thing before I awoke this morning. The very last thing I remember are beautiful ocean blue eyes. yes the playboy. And then how I said bye to Isabelle. But after that I cant remember anything.

“don’t worry Jas” Nate looks at me. And takes my hand in his. Then he looks worried at me and asks: “Jas do you know how worried we were for you? I searched the whole town for you!!”

“sorry bro, but honestly I don’t really remember why I’m here in the hospital. The last thing I remember, is saying bye to Isabelle. After that its all black.” Jas tells her brother.

Then the door opens and mom, dad and the doctor comes in. mom looks like she cried before and dad looks very angry, but they both try to hide their expressions. Now I’m really worried.

“mom? Dad? What happened? I’m really worried now… are you going to tell me or not! Dr can you tell me then?” I try to find out. But nobody tells me anything.

“Jasmine… I think we should make some tests.” Is the only thing the doctor says. I want to argue but I really don’t have the energy in me at the moment.

“fine don’t tell me. I will find it out anyway. Make whatever test you want to. I just want to go home already.” I tell them. The doctor asks me a few questions about me and what date it is…

Some minutes later the doctor stands up and looks at my parents.

“Mr and Mrs Smith I think you should talk to your daughter, about what I told you outside. I’m going to check my other patients.” And he walks out of the room.

“mom? Dad? Would you please let us in. what did doc tell you?” Nate asks this time and even he looks really worried. He comes to sit with me on my bed and takes my hand.

“Julia come on. Take a seat. I think I will tell them. Ok?” dad asks mom.

“okay darling.” She takes the seat next to my bed and looks sad at me. I look back to my father with a questioned look. “so??” I ask.

“my dear Jasmine… do you know what happened to you yesterday night? What is the last thing you remember?” daddy asks me.

“the last thing I remember is saying bye to Isabelle and going on the way home. Wait I know I listened to music because it was that quite everywhere. And after that I don’t remember. Why are you asking. Did the doc tell you what happened with me?”

“yes the doc knows what happened with you.” and now even he starts to cry.

“my poor baby…my poor baby” mom cries and takes me in a hug.

“mom? What is going on?” I ask them.

“oh Jasmine. My poor Jasmine. Somebody knocked you out and took you to the forest in the next city…” mom starts to sob uncontrollably. I look from mom to dad.

Dad continues: “There he RAPED you my child….. he raped you.” he whispers “and you’re pregnant with this assholes child” he is now sobbing too. Both my parents are sobbing and hugging me. But me and Nate are just to shocked to say anything. So go the next five minutes. Until Nate breaks out of his shock and stars to punch the nearby table as hard as possible. But even then I cant do anything. I just look at him, then at moms sobbing form and at dad who is trying to talk to me. But I cant hear a thing. I cant understand a thing. I’m just too shocked. Only one moment just changes my life. Just one moment….

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