Chapter 20

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Jasmine’s POV

The dinner went very good, after the dinner we all watched a movie and then Rafael went home.

It’s the next day now and it’s a Saturday. My parents are going to be away for business the next 3 days and my brother is out with his new secret girlfriend, he doesn’t say anything but I know it. So its only me and Rafael. We are kissing around for the first few hours, but then I have to go and eat something. My baby just cant stay without food for too long. So I want to  make lunch for us, but Rafael refuses to let me work. After him, I should start taking a rest from time to time.

It have already been  wonderful month now. I’m showing now. My stomach is that big, that I cant even see my legs anymore. I didn’t know, that I would be that big that fast. I mean, I’m in my 5th month yet, I’m really fearing the next month now. If I get bigger, my stomach will explode!!! Always when I complain about my weight and my stomach Rafael tells me, that I look just perfect and that I shouldn’t worry about anything. He is just so sweet. I have really fallen in love with my soldier. Who wouldn’t? he’s always so caring and calls me every night before he goes to bed. My parents like Rafael a lot. But lately they asked me, if I had taken Rafael for the Fathers test. they think it would be better to be sure, then always have doubts about him. I told them, that I already did it and Rafael wasn’t the father of my child, unfortunately. Hmm but I’m happy, so happy.

I haven’t told Isabelle anything about my relationship with Rafael, but lately she is really busy herself. First I thought she was having her affairs, but I realised, that she’s always smiling like me the whole time. So that’s why I came to the conclusion that she has a boyfriend, with whom she has fallen in love with. That’s why today me and Rafael are going to spy on Belle. I asked her today in school, if she wanted to hang out with me, she looked away and told me, that she had an important meeting, where she had to be. Normally if she would have an affair with a boy, she would cancel for me. but not this time. Hmmm why???

So that’s why we’re so sure.

At the moment we’re in front of the building, where my brother works?? “Hey soldier I think we’re wrong. That building is the on, where my brother works. Perhaps they are really having a meeting about me?” I look at him confused. Then a bulb goes of in my head. MY brother, big fat brother has been happy in the last few weeks too. And he wasn’t at home at that time, either. WOW, just wow. My brother and my best friend. I have to see this to believe it. “OMG soldier. My brother and my sister. Aww. No that sound really bad. A new start: My brother and my best friend are together. Can you believe it?” I look at him and he looks at me confused.

“angel are you sure, that you’re not jumping to conclusions?” he laughs. I scowl at him. “oh you really are a party pooper. Now come with me and lets investigate. For this mission I’m detective Smith and you’re detective playboy.” He looks at me and pouts. “why am I detective PLAYBOY” I kiss him and the pouting lips and take his hand. “sorry detective playboy, but there is no time for this. We have a mission to complete.”

We walk in the building and go to Nate’s office. There I try to listen at the door. But I cant hear anything. Ok lets the fun begin. I go in the room of his secretary and see her in front of her computer. “hey Linsey how are you?” I ask her, while Rafael just stands there uneasily. “oh hey Jasmine. Good to see you again. And I’m fine. How are you and your baby?” she asks. “oh we are fine. Oh I completely forgot. Linsey meet Rafael my boyfriend.” she look to him and shakes his hand. After they have introduced themselves, I cant wait anymore. “Hey Linsey, a question. Is my brother in his office?” she look at me uneasily and nods. “good and is a girl with him in the room?” she nods again. And I clap my hands together. “very good. Linsey I think you should go and make a break.” I smile at her. “but Jasmine your brother instructed me not to disturb him for the next hour. That’s why I cant let you in. sorry.” Ok I can understand her loyalty. “hmm. Oh I have a good but mean idea. Linsey am I right. That even if he don’t want to be disturbed, he wants you to inform him, if there is an emergency, right?” I look at her expectantly. “yes, but what do you want?”

“oh nothing, just give Nate the message, that I phoned you and that I need my brother now.” I tell her and Rafael comes to me and kisses me on my neck. “you’re evil, my angel” hmmm. Perhaps, but I just have to be sure. Linsey on the other hand is shaking her head, but she knows me, if I want something, nobody can stop me.

Linsey takes the phone from her desk and gives him my message. Not 30 seconds later Nate AND Isabelle are running out of the office. Both have swollen lips and are buttoning their shirts. Belles lipstick is all over Nates face. And on his shirt.  

“hmmm. Hi Nate and Belle, what happened? Did it  have a fire in your office after the hot make out session, big bro?” I ask as sweetly as possible. Rafael behind me is really trying to stop his laughter and Linsey herself is laying on the floor from all the laughing. “no time we have to go to…. JAS, what are you doing here and why are you looking completely fine?” he and Isabelle, both are looking up and down and searching for some imaginary injuries. I have to say I almost feel bad for the prank. “hi sorry about the wrong alarm.” I smile at them sweetly. It was boring and I thought why not play a prank to the best two people who deserve it. Sorry.” I pout at them and give them my best doggy eyes.

It always works on them, and even more since I’m pregnant. Nate looks at me and sighs. “fine forgiven, what did you want?” “oh nothing much, just wanted to confirm my suspects.” He looks confused and asks me. “which suspects?”

I look at him. “oh I only wanted to know, who the secret boyfriend from Isabelle and the secret girlfriend of your is. When me and Rafael followed Belle here. I suspected that you are together. AND her lipstick on your face and shirt confirmed it.” Now I cant stop my laughter anymore. both their faces turn the colour of a tomato. I take my camera out of behind me and take a few pictures before they can react. God I have to show these pictures to my parents. Nates and Belle are people, who normally never blush, and bring other persons to blush.

Suddenly Belle recognises Rafael and looks at me shocked. “you, you are together? I knew it. I knew it the moment I saw you two, lost in each others eyes.” and that’s when she wants to know every detail. And that’s what I’m doing the way home. While the boys are chatting about sports or something. Typical boys and typical girls moment…

Wow what a day.

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