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Saint couldn't believe he was skipping class. He was a senior in college, so naturally he had missed class before. However, he had never missed class unless it was an accident or absolutely necessary.

As he was walking back to his dorm, his phone rang. His brother's name popped up on the screen.

"Hey, Sage. What's up?" Saint's younger brother rarely called him unless he needed something, whether it be advice or help with school. Saint didn't take it personally. His brother was a self-absorbed teenager, well sort of. He was twelve, so he was at the age where he was as immature as a child, but also as angsty as a teenager.

"Hey. I was wondering if you changed the Netflix password or something. It's not working," Sage revealed his intentions for the call quickly.

"Shit. I get paid tomorrow. I'll renew the subscription again," Saint answered. He felt bad. Even though he didn't have much time to watch anything on Netflix, his little brother did. Saint paid for that, which wasn't much, but he had to prioritize necessities over luxuries.

"Oh! It's fine! I don't even need it it. I totally get it," Sage quickly spilled out. Saint didn't want to make his brother feel bad. He knew Sage was just saying that because money was always an awkward issue in their family. Saint sent most of the money he earned back home. He knew his mom didn't want to accept the money, but she had to. Money was money, and their family needed it.

"Nah, it's no problem. I have some shows I've been watching too," Saint lied.

"Okay cool. Everyone's been talking about this new show on there," Sage explained.

"Yeah? What show?" he asked.

"Is that Saint?" a voice said in the background of Sage's call. Saint immediately recognized the voice as his mom. "Let me talk to him!" she exclaimed.

"My precious Saint!" He could just imagine the smile on her round face.

"Hey mama," Saint said. Sometimes he missed his family so much.

"I thought your class wasn't done for another hour?" she asked. Saint cringed at the question.

"Yeah, well, we got out early today," he lied.

"That's great. How has school been? You haven't returned my calls for so long, I've been worried." Saint happened to miss two of her calls this week since he was either studying or in class. He knew he should have called her back, but he got so caught up in work. Still, it wasn't like he had gone radio silent. He talked to her last week for over an hour, as he did weekly.

"I've been studying, ma. Schools been great. I just want to finish," he answered.

He heard a sigh on the other side of the line. "Ah, you're such a hardworking boy. You know I'm proud of you— the first one in our family to graduate from college. You're an anomaly, Saint," she praised. Saint knew she was proud. She was sad for him to be leaving to go off to college, but he explained to her he could make a better life for her and Sage. A degree was a necessity. He was graduating with his bachelor's degree in a few months. Then, he would be off to med school, leaving his family once again, which Saint felt guilty about. However, Saint had to do it, and he was more than capable of doing it.

"Thanks. It means a lot," he said truthfully. It did mean a lot that his family was proud of him. He had worked his ass off to get to the point that he was at now.

"You're such a great example for Sage too. He looks up to you," she said. Saint realized Sage definitely must have left the room. He would not let his mom speak so highly of him if he was still there. Sage and Saint gave each other shit. That was their way of telling each other they loved each other.

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