t h i r t y

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[dedicated to PinkMilkJunkie]

Saint waited for Ender on the bleachers of the football field. It was a strange feeling to be sitting where the crowd would be sitting for once. He couldn't remember the last time he watched a game he wasn't playing in.

"And the crowd goes wild. Saint Daniels scores another touchdown!" Ender mimicked the sound of a roaring crowd by making an "Ah" sound. He put his hands on Saint's shoulders. His voice and touch shocked Saint since he snuck up from behind him.

"Hey Saint," he said with a goofy smile on his face, sliding down next to Saint mere inches apart.

"Hey." Saint nudged Ender's shoulders. "You know I'm a linebacker, right? We don't usually score touchdowns."

"Hmm. Well, I have faith in you," Ender joked, pushing his shoulder back to Saint.

"Thanks for coming today."

"According to Perez and Sophia, you did really well. It was my first football game today," Ender admitted, running a hand through his hair.

"Really? I'm honored to be part of your football game virginity. Remember, when you told me to win for you, I did," Saint winked at him.

"Yeah, I figured you won just for me," Ender responded. The look Ender gave him was so breathtaking and adorable that Saint couldn't look at him any longer. He stood up holding onto the railings at the bottom of the bleachers.

It was nice though to casually flirt with Ender before they got into any heavier topics. Still, Saint wanted to have those tough conversations too. They needed to.

"So..." Ender began. "Are we okay? I mean you invited me here, so I'm assuming we're cool unless you're trying to kill me or something"

Saint rolled his eyes. "I promise I'm not trying to kill you. Honestly, I missed this. Just the two of us." Ender looked down at his feet and didn't say anything.

"I know we haven't known each other a long time, but seriously you're one of my best friends." Shit, did Saint just get friendzoned by the guy who said he loved him? Saint didn't know what to say to that. He gave a smile and a nod, and hoped it wasn't as awkward as it felt.

"How have you been?" Saint asked, trying to change the conversation topic.

"Fine, I guess."

"Anything new going on?" Saint pried.

Ender hummed in response for a little. Then, he spoke, "I am in therapy, so that's new."

"Seriously? That's great!"

"Well, don't say it like that!" Ender smiled up at him.

"Like what!"

"Like 'Finally! You should have been in therapy a long time ago!'" he laughed.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way, I promise. I just think therapy is great."

"I'm not gonna lie, I was kind of hoping you would have a different reaction." Saint turned to face him, leaning on the railing.

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