Chapter 7

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Emma's POV

I was taking large steps towards my house. It was still 15 minutes long walk till my house. I lied to Lucas because I didn't want him to see where i live.

I was walking silently, when I noticed few boys sitting on the left corner near the footpath and smoking. I didn't dare look upwards. I just wanted to reach my home. As I was walking I heard, the crunching of the leaves grew louder until I realized it wasn't just me that was walking. Someone was behind me. Sweat buzzed through my body. I was practically trembling, and there I felt strong arms around my waist. I was ready to scream when I heard.

"It's me sweetie."

"Lucas" I breathed out still regaining my breath.

"You lied." He said with a poker face.
I could only keep my mouth shut. What do I do now? He will find out about my status and will treat me like others. Oh God! I whined.

We soon reached near a house from where light was coming. I could see his jaw drop.

"Is this your home?" And here goes the insult. I thought.

"Yes, this is my home. Why? do you have a problem in it?.You know what?-- This is why I didn't want you to see my home. I know just like others you would judge me, insult me. I know I am not a Richie rich like you but at least I am happy. So please just go." I lashed out on him and quickly rushed inside.

I entered inside my house and saw my father was reading newspaper while my mother was busy cooking. I made my way towards my room, but soon my legs came to a halt.

"Honey please open the door." My mom said.

Who would be at this time and that too at our place. It's quiet strange. I went to open the door and was shock to see that Lucas was standing in front.

"Who is it dear?" My father asked standing besides me.

" You are?" He asked again but this time in a protective manner. His arms were on my shoulder, and he was practically glaring at Lucas.

"Sir I-I am Lucas, Emma's Friend." He replied.

Friend. My mind was literally screaming. Are we friends. I wondered.

"Oh! Come dear. Come inside why are you standing out. I am preparing dinner so for the time being you can talk with Emma." My mom intervened.

"Um--- No Mam it's okay I just want to have a talk with Emma." Lucas replied.

"Why? what do you want to talk? You can talk here as well." My father said in a deep voice.

"Honey just calm down he is no harm."My mom whispered to Dad.

"Go both of you carry on." My mother Pushed both of us.


No One's POV.

Emma opened her room's door and allowed Lucas to go inside. Lucas was slightly impress as he thought Emma's room would be decorated by all pastel colours but her room was painted in all black.Emma was still feeling a bit conscious of herself.

"What are you doing here?" Emma whisper yelled.

"Emma-- look-------"

" Please just go from here what do you want? You want to make fun of my poverty. I know I am not rich like you, because you see I wasn't born with a silver spoon like you. I just don't need your sympathy okay. I know that I'm poor but i am proud of myself. You are just like all other people. Nice at one moment and cruel in the next moment. You would be all nice with me now, but tomorrow at College you would make fun of me, and it's okay, I really don't care, because i am used to it." Emma shouted.

Finally, all her feelings were out, which she was trying to bury deep in her heart. It hurts when people judge you, laugh at you, make fun of you especially when you are not at fault. It hurts to know that still a lot of people are after materialistic things. They Don't care about people's emotions, and their feelings. People nowadays only care about status and money.

By this time, she was in tears. Her whole body was trembling, lips quivering. She tried to wipe her tears away but failed terribly.

Suddenly, she felt captured in two, strong arms. After a few seconds she finally felt at ease. Lucas was shocked would be an understatement. He had never thought that a simple and strong girl like Emma would be hiding such heavy emotions within her heart. Out of instincts his arms went around Emma's body, and he started soothing her down. Lucas was continuously whispering sweet words to Emma so that she can calm down.

"Emma" Lucas whispered. He pulled her back and cupped her face. He brushed her tears away and pushed her hair behind her ears.

"Calm down okay. You are okay. Everything is okay." He mumbled.

"I-I didn't know you were feeling like this because of me. You know it's okay if you think like this. I know we have started talking with each other from past few days but trust me when I say that I won't judge you, I won't laugh at you. It's okay if you have a small house. A house cannot describe someone's personality. You should be proud of yourself. You have a big heart, you have an admirable personality. You are always helping others, and what not. You are amazing Emma. It's me and others who are at fault. You are right I won't understand what it feels when people just make fun of you because you are not rich.

Emma you have an astounding family whereas I-I have only a house and no family. My parents are usually out, they have just provided me all the materialistic things but I am a loser at love, I am a loser at family and affection. On the other hand, you have everything. You have your mom who cooks amazing food for you and then your protective dad who loves you to death.

Emma, just don't let people get to your head okay. Trust me that I will never laugh at you, never ever Emma." Lucas finally ended his little speech, which was more than enough to make Emma feel better.

She just simply nodded and was about to open her mouth when her mother knocked at the door and asked them to join for the dinner.

Emma, her parents, her sister and Lucas were all eating the dinner. Lucas was feeling as if he was in heaven. He wasn't himself sure that after how long he has eaten home made food. He had a little chat with Emma's mom, and her sister. While her father was still feeling wary about Lucas.

On the other hand Emma was still feeling lightheaded. She was reminiscing the scene that happened few minutes ago. She was a little surprise that the bad body was consoling her and also sharing his life with her.

After the dinner, Lucas took everyone's regard and said goodbye to them. He hugged Emma and whispered "Goodbye friend" before going.


So how was the chapter?
What's your opinion on Emma's insecurities?
Is this a start of new friendship between Emma and Lucas?


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