Chapter 19

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Happy Maha Shivratri To All.❤️


The Next Day

Emma's POV.

It was the end of the day and I had to Issue few books from the Library. I entered the Library and sauntered towards the book section. I climbed the ladder to take a better look at the books kept on the above shelves.

Abruptly I lost my balance on the ladder and yelped feeling scared. However, I never felt the pain of hitting the floor because I was being held securely by two strong arms which lifted me up. Before I could utter a single word I was brought face to face with Lucas.

His hands were on my waist, holding me in his warm and tight embrace. His eyes were reflecting concern.  We were so close to each other that we could literally hear each other's heartbeats. The fragrance of his perfume has always attracted me.

I was so lost at the moment that I forget that we were not on talking terms from past few weeks. Instantly all the memories flooded back in my mind and I started squirming in his hold.

He understood and put me down on my feet.

"Where are you going?" He inquired.

"None of your business." I stated bluntly while taking my books and going away from him.

"It is my business Emma---"

"No it's not. I am not your property Lucas.” I yelled hoping nobody heard us.

"Emma--- " He whispered.  "I---I am sorry. Please forgive me."

“Forgive you, seriously.” I laughed humorlessly.

"Even if I forget what you did Lucas---I can't forgive you because I can't get your betrayal out of my head. I considered you as my friend, and I also loved you but what did you do--- You made fun of me. I thought that you would support me, take care of me but you have only hurt me.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted you, but my heart was so stupid that it----- it fell for a jerk.”

The tears burst forth like water spilling down my face. The walls which I created around me were collapsing. My emotions were all over the place and I couldn't control myself. I started trembling like a small child and my voice was wavering. I saw Lucas who was in a state similar to mine.

Lucas POV.

Emma started crying, and I immediately took her in my embrace. I started rubbing her arms to soothe her down. It really pains me that I am the reason behind her tears. The look of vulnerability was visible in her eyes.

I don't deserve her forgiveness but I can't stay away from her anymore.

"Why-- Why did you do that?

Why Lucas?" Emma cried and clutched my arms tightly.

"Calm down Emma listen to me--- Just one last chance." I pleaded while wiping her tears.

“I'll understand if you don't want me. But You are all I ever dreamed of and hoped for. Emma I know I have hurt you, and I am such a big jerk for that. If you like, you can slap me, hit me but don't leave me. P-l-e-a-s-e. Initially it was just a bet for me, but then slowly and gradually I fell for you Emma. My ego was triggered because you were the only girl who was running away from me unlike the rest of the girls." I said despite the tears silently running down my face.

"I am sorry for the disappointment, betrayal, and the hurt but I really love you Emma." I said, feeling ashamed and guilty.

We stared at each other, as if it was a silent argument, until tears arose, and we found ourselves crying.

“I--I hate myself. I hate that I Miss you. I hate that I love you." She hiccuped, tears rolling down, I felt an urge to do something, to comfort her, and myself.

In a moment, I pressed my lips against Emma and felt her body loosen while her arms were touching my shoulders. My lips were firm against hers, but the kiss remained soft, gentle, slow. I took my time and explored every inch of her mouth very slowly and steadily.

“I missed you too Sweetie, I love you so much.” I whispered into her ears beneath my salty tears.

She looked up at me with her tear stained face, and kissed me whispering 'I love you.' I grinned like a kid and wiped her tears, pulling her more close to me. 

"Do you forgive me?" I managed to whisper.

"Yes Lucas I have already forgiven you. Just don't break my heart again, don't let go of me again." She managed to speak.

"I promise Sweetie. I love you so much." I said while stroking her hairs.

At that Moment, I didn't care about the surrounding people. I didn't care about their stares. It was just me and Emma against the entire world.


Hello My Lovely Readers,

So finally they have confessed their feelings..❤️

How was the Chapter?

At last I would like to express my humble gratitude to all of you. To all those who are constantly supporting me and my books--- I owe you people a big time.

If you guys are liking my books please share it with your friends.

I know, my work is not that Amazing, at times there can be errors but I hope you guys like it.

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