Chapter 16

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Third Person POV

It's said that when a glass is shattered into pieces it makes a booming sound, Similarly Emma's heart was also broken into pieces. However, the difference is that people aren't able to hear and see her pain.  Everyone advises us to forgive, and move on, but its easier said than done. Life is not all roses sometimes it's bed of thorns also.

To trust a person with your heart and soul and then to get it shatter breaks you from inside. When a person who has been judged and has been made fun of his entire life, trusts someone else and then gets it broken is wounded deeply.

Emma can't stop the tears falling from her eyes. It's not in her control. She didn't know where she was running to, All Emma knew was that she needed to get away from Lucas. Hurt, betrayal and anger were the only emotions which she was feeling.

To say She was hurt would be an understatement. Emma was feeling dejected and betrayed. This was which she feared the most------- To get your trust broken and especially by those whom you loved the most.

What was her fault? Why did this happen to her? Is she really not worthy to have a friend. Since childhood, she wanted to have the best friend on whom she can rely, with whom she can party, bunk and share all her darkest secrets but what did she got---- Lies, betrayal, rejection and hatred.

Why? --- Because she was a goody two shoes, a nerd and not so popular person.

Honestly Emma was really confused, If Lucas's friendship was a part of bet then was his care, his affection, his protectiveness, his jealousy also a part of that so-called Bet?

The way he cared for her, the way he used to stand for her, the way his eyes reflected pure adoration for Emma--- Was that all a lie?

Was his confession also a lie?

Emma kept on running till she reached her destination. As soon as she reached her room, she quickly went inside the shower. Feeling the warm water over her body she remembered the earlier incidents. The situation was so chaotic for Emma that she started crying unaware of what to do next. She tried to pull herself together but all in vain.

After thirty minutes in the shower, she dressed her self In her night wears and snuggled more in her Comforter. Constantly Lucas and the guys were trying to contact her, but she had already switched off her phone.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door making Emma shriek.

“Honey open the door. Look whose here.” Emma's mom yelled from outside.

Who could be at this hour? Emma thought. She was scared from inside because she didn't want to face Lucas right now. She hoped that it wasn't Lucas.

Slowly Emma waddled from her bed and opened the door revealing Sophia.

Without any words being exchanged between them, they both hugged each other tightly. Jack was the one who told Sophia about all the things that happened in the college. As soon as she was filled up by the information, the first and the foremost thing she Decided to do was to be with Emma. For Sophia,  Emma was her priority.

“Shhhh-- calm down babes." Sophia whispered and tried to calm her down. They both sat on the bed, pulling comforters over their body.

"It's okay. I am with you and I won't leave you. We will be friends for forever. No babes don't do that, don't cry. Your tears are very precious don't waste them for a boy like Lucas. Just don't think low of yourself because of the stunt he pulled.  They aren't worthy to be your friends. Just forget them.

From now on you will not think about him. You Will think about yourself. You have to love yourself Emma because nobody will love you and respect you, until you do that to yourself.

Emma trust me you are a beautiful soul with a heart of gold and those who don't see it have to bear the Loss.

So stop crying and Don't stress your pretty eyes. Let's watch movies to distract your Little mind.” Sophia said making Emma giggle.


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