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The girls talked about some subject as we walked out of school. The day was finally over and it was my time to go home and do nothing at all.

"Want to go out tonight?" I heard Jane offer.

"Yes! It will be like the old times" Tessa clapped her hands excitingly. "What do you say?" She asked me.

This time I didn't have an excuse. I couldn't say my father didn't let me. I couldn't say I had to cook or clean, or that I didn't have money because they would offer to pay for me as always.

"I-I'm not really in the mood" I said weakly.

"Come on Ren!" Jane pouted, but I couldn't pay attention to her at the moment because what I saw in front of me had my attention instantly.

I gasped and they both turned towards the direction I was looking at.

There was a sleek black car that I had never seen before, but that wasn't what was important. What was important was the person leaning on the car.

He was wearing black today too and he seemed like he was looking for something or someone. Everyone's attention was on him and I even noticed how some girls walked up to him to flirt with him but he dismissed them.

He did it in a nice way though. That made me respect him more. They did nothing wrong.

Finally, his gaze fell on me and a smirk stretched on his gorgeous face.

"Um Ren? What is happening?" Tessa asked.

I wondered whether or not I should go up to him. What if he dismissed me like all the other girls? I didn't want to come off as that kind of girl. Not that I was blaming them I was just too shy for that.

He was quick to end my wondering as he stood straight and walked up to me. The girls gulped next to me as they looked up at him.

How does he know that's where I go to school?

Well he knows your name and you're wondering about that? Stupid Serenity.

"Miss Quinn how nice to see you again" He said with a small smile, his eyes were glinting and I kept trying to make out whether they were blue or grey. They didn't look like either.

"Hello" I mumbled.

"I believe we have some things to discuss. I didn't properly introduce myself before" He said. "I know it may sound off but would you let me drive you home?" He asked.

Stranger danger. As gorgeous as he is you need to calm your hormones girl.

"I-I'm not sure"

"I understand your concern, we can stay here if you like" He offered.

"N-no, it's okay let's go" I said. I looked at the girls who were completely taken aback and gave them a hug, "I'll see you later" I smiled subtly and walked away with the man whose name I still didn't know.

His car was really nice and warm inside too. It had leather seats and a woody scent

As he started driving I started feeling uneasy, wondering if I had made the right decision.

"I'm not going to hurt you in any way Serenity. You don't need to worry" I heard him say and instantly looked at him. He was frowning looking a little sad.

"Can you tell me your name?" I asked.

"That's for when we get to your house"

As he promised, he drove me to my house and I let him come in with me. I closed the door without locking it, in case I had to run away, and sat on the couch next to him.

"I'm Ares Hale" He held out his hand for me to shake. "Me and your father weren't exactly friends. He owed me some money" He said after I shook his hand.

"Then why are you here now?" I asked confused.

Oh my god, is he here just to tell me to give him his money?!

"I'm surprised you don't remember me Serenity" He smiled looking straight into my eyes.

I could see the color of his eyes clearly now and I was completely in awe. His eyes were indeed grey, a dull color when you think of it, but his were glinting. They were silver, almost glowing.

And I knew those eyes.


I was waiting for my father to come home when I heard a knock on the door.

Father always told me to never open the door to someone but the firm knocking continued. Maybe it was my father and he had forgotten his keys.

I made sure the safety latch was still attached and opened the door peeking from behind it, but I almost closed it when I saw a pair of silver eyes looking back at me.

There was a boy standing there. No, a man. He seemed to be about eighteen or nineteen, but I couldn't really be sure . He stared at me as his mouth parted.

He was really handsome and I felt my cheeks hit up at his stare. I was only fourteen and I wasn't used to anyone staring at me, especially a boy.

"Hi" He smiled at me.

"Is your daddy here?" He asked. I shook my head no. Mama always told me to never talk to strangers. "When will he be back?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head. "What's your name?" He asked after a long pause. I shook my head letting him know I couldn't tell him, "I'm Ares" He spoke once again.

He should go, father may come early.

"I guess I'll come by later then" He said. "It was nice meeting you" He whispered only for me to hear and I closed the door immediately with my heart beating loudly due to panic and anxiety.

I hope father doesn't come to know about this.


"I remember" I said making him raise his eyebrows.

"I'm glad you do then, but that's not what I'm here for"

My heart clenched at this.

He was here for the money wasn't he?

"I'm not here for the debt. I couldn't care less about that" He said making my head snap up.

"Why then?" I asked feeling confused.

What could he possibly want?

"Serenity, from now on I will be your guardian"

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