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"So this woman is your mom?" Tessa asked.

We were in a cafe gossiping and drinking coffee. I was glad I could hang out with them more now that I didn't have my dad keeping me inside the house all day. Before, I would sneak out and find excuses to hang out with the girls.

"I don't know. That's what she claims but I'm not sure" I said and sighed.

"What does Ares say about this?" Jane asked.

"Nothing, but he's worried"

Ares has been really tense since the incident with the woman happened. He comes home later and I see him running his fingers through his hair and sighing.

"You need to dig into this Ren" Jane said. "What if she knows something? What if she is your mom?"

"Or maybe she's a crazy stalker and she's planning on killing you!" Tessa added gasping.

"Tessa, whatever it is, I'll figure it out" I said giggling at her exaggeration.

When school ended I was a little scared about this woman showing up again, but fortunately she didn't. The only one there was Ares waiting to pick me up as always.

He opened the door for me and then got in too.

"How was school?" He asked.

"It was okay" I answered quietly. I was worried about him, he's been so upset lately. "How are you?"

"I'm great"

"Are you sure? You've been really tense lately"

Please don't get angry, please don't get angry

"I'm sorry baby, it's just work" He said running a hand through his soft hair.

When we arrived home I asked him if he was going to work. He usually doesn't but lately he's been spending most of his time at work.

I felt my expression fall thinking about what he could be doing. Was he with a woman? Did he have a girlfriend?

"I can stay if you want" He said.

"No, it's okay. You can go if you want" I said looking down at the floor. I didn't want him to see I was disappointed, but before I could walk away he held my wrist softly.

"I want to stay with you" He whispered.

"I'm sorry, asking you to stay was selfish but I just miss you" I said whispering the last part. Suddenly I was pulled into his warm chest and he was hugging me.

"I miss you too, sweetheart"

I blushed at the nickname and hugged him back.

He pulled away and looked at me with a boyish smile.

"Go into the living room and pick a movie, I'll make pop corn"

He went to the kitchen and I did as I was told. After a few minutes he walked into the living room with a huge bowl full of pop corn.

It smelled like butter and I couldn't wait to eat.

"Did you pick a movie?" He asked.

I wanted to pick a Disney movie, Tangled actually, but I was too shy since I was certain he wouldn't want to watch that.

"You can pick"

"No, I asked you to pick. I have some disney movies too, which one do you want?" He asked with a smile. He seemed a little uncomfortable and sad when mentioning the Disney movies and I wondered why.

Her Guardian ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ