Death Of Me

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I had done it again. I kissed her without her permission.

And the worst part? I couldn't stop.

When I saw her I felt this unbelievable anger and need to protect her. I wanted to show her how much I love her.

So now I was kissing her. I had lost all my common sense, the only thing I could feel and hear was her. Everything else around was pointless.

She hesitantly moved her lips on mine driving me mad. She stood on her tip toes and wrapped her arms around my neck and I couldn't help but groan at the feeling. The fact that she was only in her underwear and bra didn't help.

She had a beautiful body. She was dangerously skinny when she lived with her father but I'd managed to make her gain some weight. I wanted her healthy and now that her curves were filled out she was making me want to take her right now.

A very appealing thought but not for now.

She pulled away for air letting out small breaths. Her big chocolate brown eyes looked up at me through her lashes as her cheeks turned bright red.

I chuckled, "My pretty girl kissed me back after all" I tried to maintain control by nuzzling her neck.

"I-I liked it-ah" She moaned as I put my lips on the sensitive spot on her neck and sucked there.

"You can't imagine how much I need you right now"

"Ares this is wrong" She whispered.

"Forget what's wrong or right. Just answer me this, do you like me? Are you attracted to me in that way?" I asked what I'd been dying to know and looked her right in the eyes.


"Tell me and I promise you if you don't like me like that we'll go back to how we were"

"I like you. I mean who wouldn't like you? You're handome, sexy, smart, mysterious, caring, loving-" she started rambling.

I smiled, "Only for you"

"You're young and you could have any girl you wanted and instead you like me I don't even know why you're attracted to me"

I gripped her jaw gently and made her look at me.

"I don't like you. I'm not just attracted to you. I love you"

"I just can't see why"

"Then I have to work on showing you"

"You don't have to. You're already so good to me. I should do things for you too"

"No baby I don't need anything from you but you. I only want you to be happy. I should be the one to take care of you. Im your guardian after all" I chuckled.

The moment I reminded her that her face fell.

"What if someone knew? Would they take me away from you?"

My face darkened, "Never"

"But it would be weird if anyone saw us kissing"

"How would they know I'm your guardian? I won't even be your guardian in a couple of months, you'll be eighteen"

I felt bad. I felt bad for trying to convince her to be with me, but now that I knew what she felt like, there was no chance I was letting her go.

I was selfish like that.

"There's no wrong or right" I said when I saw her thinking hard about what to do, "We will do whatever you want. Just say the word and I'll leave you alone"

"No!"She said almost automatically and gripped my shirt."I want to be with you Ares. I just don't want to get hurt. I don't want you to leave me too"

"My sweet girl I'm never ever going to leave you. If you say yes now, there's no way out. I'm not letting you go"

"No way out?" She asked looking up at me.

"Yes, so think seriously before answering"

She took a minute to think as her fingers played with her plump lips. I was so focused on her lips. They were swollen from all the kissing and I felt proud that I was the one who did this. I looked lower on her neck and saw a dark spot.

I smirked.

She's mine.

"I know what I want" She said cutely. I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"And what's that?"

"I want to be with you. I'm attracted to you" She said quietly stuttering a little.

I instantly felt myself smile.

" You make me the happiest man alive" I said before smashing my lips on hers. "Now let's get you a shirt" I smirked and saw her eyes widened as she looked down at herself with a pretty blush.

"I-I forgot-"

"We'll talk about them one of these days"

"Are you disgusted by them" She asked quietly and hugged herself.

"Don't ever say that again" I growled. "There's nothing on you that I don't find absolutely beautiful.

"B-but they're-"

"Seren, you want to see something?" I asked with a sad smile. She nodded hesitantly and I started taking off my shirt.

"W-what are you doi-" she caught herself off when I turned around and showed her. I felt her cold fingers on my back as she went silent. "Why? How?"

"I've also seen some rough days, but that's a story for another day"

She stood in front of me and hugged me before hesitantly pecking my lips making me smile.

This girl will be the death of me and I'll love every second of it.


"Ares and Serenity sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-"

"Shut up!"

"You're so mean!" Nate yelled and threw me the pillow he was playing with.

"Guys, can you shut up while I'm working. I'm about to find out who set us up that night"

Leo was checking cameras to see the plates of the cars. He was a hacker and that was easy for him. We also had connections with the police so they would help if needed.

Me and Nate both sighed.

"Can you be faster?" I said.

"Come do it yourself then!" he yelled.

"Okay, okay relax" I said.

"Oh-oh" Leo said after a few minutes. "I know who it is"

"What? Who is it?" I asked as both me and Nate gathered around him.

"Well, it's just who you guessed it will be" He sighed and let us see in the computer.

Oh they're dead.

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