Dead To Me

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I slowly began waking up as I felt someone caressing my cheek. It was a soft and gentle touch, barely there, but the fingers were a little rough, which wasn't unpleasant.

I leaned in to the touch and hummed in content.

Wait who's touching me?

I fluttered my lashes open to find Ares dangerously close to my face, but for some reason it felt comfortable.

"Hi" I whispered feeling my face heat up from the closeness.

"Hi beautiful" He said blessing me with a smile.

He called me beautiful?

"Let's get you in bed" He said and stood up before hoisting me up and carrying me bridal style. I automatically wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I can walk" I told him.

"You don't have to tire yourself out when I'm here"

Tire myself out? While walking in a house?

Soon we were in my room and he was lowering onto my bed, but I protested when he moved away from me.

"You're warm" I said in a sleepy whiny voice holding onto his arms.

OMG girl what are you saying?!

I was so sleepy I didn't even realize what I had just said.

He simply chuckled and kneeled to my level.

"I need to let you sleep"

"Can you stay until I fall asleep again?" I asked whispering. I felt really shy and I knew I was blushing, but I wanted him to stay. He stayed still and stared at me for a moment. I wondered whether it was an inappropriate thing to ask him and regretted it, but he was giving me this strange look.

This look of adoration?

"Of course" He whispered, "How could I ever say no?"

I smiled in triumph and moved aside to make space for him. He was really big, but he could fit in the bed.

"I'm cold" I said hugging the blanket close to me.

"Come here, let me warm you up" He said opening his arms. I happily rolled into his arms with my back to his chest.

He was so warm and smelled so nice.

"Are you warm now, baby?" He asked. I hadn't missed that he had started calling me baby. I liked it, but I wondered why he would use an endearment with me.

"Yes" I whispered. I thought he had fallen asleep, but I felt him kiss the side of my head, and then the crown of my head.

"Sleep tight"

I turned my head and kissed his cheek.

"Goodnight, Ares" I said and closed my eyes ready for sleep to take me.


"Im so happy, we're finally going for coffee together!" Jane clapped her hands in excitement.

"Jane, we have coffee everyday at school"

"This is different! This will be in a Cafe" She said raising her index finger.

"Can we eat?" I asked clearly only caring about food.

"There's food there"

After a few minutes walk we were standing outside a cafe. It looked cozy in there so we walked in and took our seats.

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