Don't Answer the "Unknown"

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Two days later, my weekend was over.

I walked through the parking lot, staring up at my school. My stomach twisted nervously, and my eyes ached with sleeplessness.

I had spent little free-time away from work, preparing Eric and Amrita for superhero-ing. Or shopping with Amrita. Or letting Eric talk me into getting coffee with him. (Yeah, don't ask how he managed that. Especially with us both in superhero gear.) We three had exchanged contacts, made a "Super Duper" group chat, and trained. The pair hadn't reached a level I was comfortable with yet (primarily Eric), but they were growing on me. They made training much less tedious. Basically, I had been working and bothered and having too much fun considering.

But I was stressed.

Nameis had held to her word, which meant I would be facing her today on top of my other stresses. And meet Eric out of my suit for the first time since our last class.

I gazed at the school steps and pursed my lips. My heart thumped through my head, drowning out all other sounds. It'll be fine, Eric has no reason to notice you. He's not going to recognize you.


No one notices you. You're perfectly normal.

"Kim?" A hand touched my shoulder.

I jumped (have you noticed a trend yet?) and spun around. My heart leaped into my throat.

"Whoa," Eric took a step back. "Are you okay? You're really jumpy."

"Yeah," I heard myself say. "I'm...fine. Just got lost in thought."

I turned forward, walking up the steps. Eric followed.

"Are you sure? Do you need water or something? You don't look all right."

"Thanks, man," I drawled.

"No -. I," he sighed. "You look really tired."

"Gee, thanks again," I stuffed my hands in my pockets, trying to ignore my racing heartbeat.

What is wrong with me? It's just Eric. Pigeon.

"Kim," he grabbed my arm and faced me.

I stared up at him, newly aware of how his height compared to me. I mean, I was short, so he wasn't that tall but...

"I'm sorry," he said the last thing I had expected. "I sound rude. You were staring at the steps like...I dunno. Sorry."

He released my arm. I blinked at him. And smiled.

"You're right, I am tired and grouchy. But don't worry about it. I just need more coffee," I kept walking.

Eric laughed, "Grad school mood."

I nodded, wishing I could force my heart to beat normally. This is so weird. I think this is the longest conversation we've had—not counting the ones with me as Firebird. We never talk.

"How was your weekend?" Eric asked.

"Eventful," I scratched my head.

Why. Are. You. Talking. To. Me?

"Mine too. I'm a little worried about my homework, to be honest," he held open the door for me.

We stepped into the hall. Eric looked down at his feet, and I chewed my lip.

"Well ... ," I said after several moments of awkward silence. "I guess I'd better go get some of that coffee ..."

"Oh yeah, yeah. Sorry for ... yeah," Eric smiled sheepishly. "I'll see you in class."

A Guide to Being a Superhero...Therapist? (Guide to Being, Novella Two)Where stories live. Discover now