Expect Good Deals at Workout Centers

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To say the Nameis attack was a mess, would be a drastic understatement.

I pressed my lips together and glowered. The doctor gave me nervous glances as she stitched up my arm. I had a rush of gratitude that Amrita had forced me to trade out my turtleneck for a red, athletic tee-shirt. My ninja mask still made my face sweat enough to make me break out, but I would have been comfortable. If I wasn't trying to handle the humiliating defeat.

"No one was hurt," Amrita said behind me.

I held in a growl, "We broke a mansion."

"And no one is mad at us," Eric set his hand on my uninjured shoulder.

"She got away. I don't let this kind of damage happen!" I knocked him away. "If I had known that Nameis' powers came from iron manipulation, I would have fought better."

"The cancer patients are alright, the movie star is fine, and the house can be repaired. Heaven knows they have enough money to take care of it," I could hear Amrita's eye roll without looking at her.

"I should have handled this on my own," I grimaced as another stitch sewed through my skin.


"Birdie," Eric stepped in front of my chair.

His improved suit was as bland as mine, except for his fencing mask. Amrita had found a navy athletic-tee to replace his cloud shirt, and I made him keep his cargo pants. Because if I had to have a male sidekick, the least he could do was supply me with pockets.

Not that his supersuit had done him any good. I had to spend most of the fight against Nameis trying to keep her from kicking my sidekicks' butts. Then again, maybe it would have done them some good if I let her beat them up. I scowled.

"I'm sorry we couldn't be a better help," Eric scratched the back of his neck.

I blinked. A smile slowly crept up on me.

"You're still learning. I shouldn't have expected you to do well."

"Ouch," Amrita pretended to pout.

"There," the doctor stepped back. "How does that feel?"

I rolled my shoulder and smiled my thanks, "Sore, but good. Thank you."

"Of course. Stay put while I get a few things for you to sign on. There are ice packs in that cooler," the doctor pointed to the cooler beneath Eric and left the room.

I looked down at my stitched up arm. A sigh escaped me before I realized it was there. That was one thing I didn't like about my new suit. My short sleeves left my scars on blatant display. I didn't mind my scars. But...I didn't like having them so obvious either. They were marks of weakness.

"How's your eye?" I glanced back at Amrita.

She moved the ice pack away from her mask. For the time being, her suit was just black. And a burglar mask. (I had considered putting "I'm a SUPERHERO don't bother me!" on the back of her shirt to make sure no one called the police on her.) I bit my lip as I looked at her brilliant black eye.

"Pretty," I turned away.

Amrita snorted, "I question your judgment."

"Me too. How about you?" I raise my eyebrows at Eric.

He lifted his fencing mask. My heart clenched when he did. Stop it. You have to get used to seeing his face, dummy. I eyed the bruising scab on his cheek.

"That needs an ice pack," I pointed at the cooler.

"I can wait until I get home," Eric put his mask back over his face.

A Guide to Being a Superhero...Therapist? (Guide to Being, Novella Two)Where stories live. Discover now