Love Birds

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"Kim, why are you so smiley? Has it been that long since you went to the beach?" Mira frowned at me.

I sucked my smile back into my face, "What? No, I'm just so excited to be with you!"

"...I have been here three days already," Mira shifted her bag onto her shoulder, fussing with her afro.

The day was warm, and the sky was clear as Mira and I made our way towards a private beach spot. Thanks to my contacts and money, we had arranged to be all by ourselves. ("It's not every day that I get to treat my bestie to the greatest L.A. wealth has to offer," I had said, ignoring Mira's protests.) Unfortunately, Mira wasn't buying it.

"So?" I shrugged. "Oh, look, those popsicles look amazing!"

"Kim, now I know you are trying to distract me. What is it? Did you meet a guy?"

My cheeks heated despite myself.

"Aha!" Mira punched a hand in the air. "I knew it. It's that Eric boy you introduced me to the other day, isn't it? Dadgummit, why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to spend some genuine time catching up before bringing my dating life into the mix," I fussed with my hair, eyeing the surrounding L.A. busyness.

"Dating? Dating!" Mira looked ready to punch me.

I laughed and stumbled back, holding up my hands, "Whoa! Hold on. He and I only became official a bit ago. I wanted you to meet him and give your impression without knowing we were dating."

"Oh," she sniffed but nodded. "All right, that's fair."

"So...?" I fussed with my beach bag, which held nothing beachy but several sparklers, a polaroid camera, and other necessities. "What did you think of him? I mean, I know I asked you after you met him, but you weren't very descriptive..."

Mira licked her lips, nodding, "I honestly didn't say much because I was thinking how perfect he would be for you."

My face flushed, "Mira, don't lie to me."

"No, I mean it. He seemed kind and gentle. Lighthearted, but also thoughtful. But you and relaxed with him. He made you laugh like I haven't heard in years," Mira winked and nudged me. "A clear sign of his awesomeness."

"He's so dear," I laughed. "He bullies me until I let him take care of me. I hated it at first, but I also need it."

"You certainly do. Heavens," she snorted.

"Hey! I have gotten better."

"Only thanks to Eric and Amrita. Man, I love that girl."

"You and me both," I spotted the beach ahead and bit my lip to keep from grinning. "They are great."

"Uh-huh. Now tell me everything about you and Eric. How the heck did that pasty white boy grip your heart?"

I gave her a look but then sighed at her wink.

"I am just saying he hardly looks or acts like your dream man," Mira held up her hands.

"Not what I expected, no," my heartbeat quickened as we walked down the steps. "But he...Mira, I love him so much. He brings out the best parts of me, never holds me back, but at the same time, he is unafraid to challenge me. We are such broken people with burdens that somehow ease when we are together."

"And it helps that he is gaining some muscle?" Mira said in a fake whisper.

"What can I say, girl loves a glow-up."

Mira laughed, skipping ahead. I glanced behind me and subtly lifted a hand. I really need to keep her distracted...

"I started falling for him when he fixed my mask in the middle of training. Even though he had been pestering me about how my mask had to be overly hot, he still respected me and didn't try to discover my identity," I beckoned Mira, leading the way along the ocean.

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