Chapter 53 Preparations

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So the song and singer for this chapter are as follows:

Song Name: Only The Young

Singer Name: Taylor Swift

This song seemed really meaningful. I may not be die heart Swift fan but this song is really amazing! So without a further ado here another chapter of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER


Chapter No. 53

Amalie's POV:

"It's not easy, even now I sometimes have nightmares. But having my family around is the best solution. If you think it's hard for you should see your brother. He doesn't show it but worries way more. I think the reason I tried so much to get better is Austin, I don't ever want to see him in the pain he was in for the 2 weeks I was in coma. That was the real nightmare for me." I reply.

"You two are a match made in heaven! Both of you understand the other better than any of us." Sese smiles.

At the same time our orders arrive, and an older man asks, "How do you like our café, Amalie?"

I look at him confused, Lil and Sese look from him to me, than Sese asks, "Do you know him, Amalie?"

I shake my head, he answers in my stead, "I know you as well Serena dear." He smiles.

He's I think 6 feet, and has pepper and salt hair, but warm eyes, and sharp jaw... But the thing is I've never met him and by Sese's confused look I can tell she hasn't met him either.

"I'm sorry, but do we know you?" I ask.

"My name is Dominic Rogers. I kn—" Before he could finish my mommy and Dawn enter the café their smile is contagious.

"Oh my God! It's really Dom!" Mommy smiles heads over to our side.

"Ah! My two favorite girls!" He chuckles.

Dawn and Mommy hug him, I guess they know him well, "I can't believe you are back! How is Stace? Actually where is she? And how are Kevin and Nick?" Dawn asks.

Mommy spots us, "Hello, girls, I am guessing you've met Dom?"

We all nod, "How about this, we all head to the first floor since it's completely vacant at the moment and I'll answer all your questions." Dominic suggests.

We all agree since we have only one more class, and the professor is absent, we head with them, and are greeted by his wife who squeals seeing Mommy and Dawn.

"Oh my goodness, Amalie and Serena were babies when I last saw them! They definitely took both your genes." Stacey says after hugging us.

We smile at her comment, and take our seats, "Girls, these two are the people who helped me and Dawny to settle in California when we were 18 years old."

"It's good to be back." Dominic says.


Most of the days I spend with Austin, but the weekends are with my parents no matter what.

So right now me, Austin, Dan, Sese, Lil, Scar, Brian Jason in the movie room while the parents are in the lounge discussing the about the engagement party which will be held after I return. From my trip to Paris, as always Austin makes me sit in his lap with arms wrapped around me. And since we're watching Annabelle Comes Home, the girls even Sese are scared allowing the boys to have their way with them.

Who knew that Jason had a thing for Scar? Yeah, it surprised us all when one day Scar asked my opinion on a dress and after relentless teasing she blurted out that Jason asked her out.

Since I and Austin were sitting a bit back then the others I was smiling, "I take it you're not one bit scared?"

"No, I'm not focusing on the movie just watching that the guys chose horror movies on purpose."

"I wish my girl would cling to me like that as well." He sighs dramatically.

"You never change, you know that?" I say looking at him.

"And that's why you love me." He smiles his dimples on display.

I giggle, and put my head on shoulder, "I'm really happy, Austin. And this has been by far been the best year of my life."

"I'm glad mon ange. Seeing you happy is the greatest reward I can for." He says slightly tightening his arms around me.

"People say that we're moving too fast but I think we're perfect. What about you?"

"Ange, I can say, that those people can go to hell for all I care. I almost lost you. They weren't there to see me and you go through that torture. Even now if I could turn back time I would. You're the only one I love and I want to spend my life with you if this is going fast I don't care." Austin responds, calmly.

"I know. And the same goes for me, I really love you Austin! You make me feel things I never thought I would feel." I say and my eyes glisten with unshed tears.

Ever since the incident, in front of Austin my emotions are now completely transparent, I can't anything even if I try to, he puts his warm palm on cheek, "I'm glad I am the only one. And will be for this entire lifetime."

At that moment Sese and Lil both scream and since I wasn't paying any focus I literally jump, whereas the guys just laugh, I glare at my fiancé for laughing at my expense.

*Next day afternoon*

We leave around 1 after confirming the dress detailing with Mommy. Actually more than me Austin is the one with suggestions. According to him he wants this to perfect. He wants the entire world to know that I am his. I only smile at his possessiveness.

We are boarded on his private jet, "Ange, I almost forgot 3 days later I have scheduled an appointment with our family jewelers, for the wedding rings."

"Okay, so they're also in Paris?" I ask.

"Yeah. It's a tradition that our family heirs always have the rings prepared by them." Austin explains.

I ask him about his grandparents, and he has a lot of stories to tell about them, many of them included of how his grandmother drives his grandfather nuts. He further explained that the women of the Theodore family all drive the men nuts which he suspects I will as well. To which I laugh because it will be true with my nature.

I am now really looking forward to meeting them!  

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