All a Misunderstanding

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"what made you think that?" Yoongi said looking at him confused

Hobi looked at his fellow band member trying not to cry.
"You, none of you have barely spoken a word to me in over a month. and, and you keep avoiding me!" Hobi stuttered out

"Avoiding you?" Jin spoke up

"Yeah, you hardly let me in the kitchen anymore. we used to cook together now you shoo me away like I'm.." Hobi had begun before being cut off.

"Oh Hobi-ya I'm so sorry, so so sorry. I didn't meant to make you feel like I was avoiding you.. truth is, I was trying to learn how to make your favourite dishes.. for today" Jin had come over and was holding both of Hobi's hands.

Hobi blinked a few times trying to register what Jin had just told him... he was trying to what?
"you were learning to cook my favourite dishes? why?" Hobi replied feeling Jin's large hands hold both of his as the elder squatted in front of him

"silly, because I care about you" Jin said smiling

"But then why wont any one hang out with me anymore, even you Tae.. you seem to hate me being around you" his emotions were going wild, he was confused, was he angry, sad, happy?

"HUH! What are you talking about, when.. ah what made you think that?" Taehyung said his eyes growing wide as his mouth dropped open in shock.

Jin had moved aside so Hobi could properly look at Taehyung

"When, you were playing your games, I just wanted to watch, but you, and I.."
his voice caught in his throat

"HYUNNNNG, NO I'm such an idiot, I didn't know you wanted to watch, I thought the game would bore you, you can watch me and be around me as much as you like" Taehyung said coming up and engulfing him in a hug

Hobi sat for a moment feeling Taehyung's body warmth spread through his chest, his face felt warm he hadn't realised he'd started crying, he held onto the younger male tightly with what strength he had left.


they looked as their fellow member broke down again in the arms of Taehyung, their chests hurt. he thought they hated him, they could never hate him.

Jimin spoke up this time
"Hyung, i-is there anything else that has been bothering you?"

Tae loosened his grip on Hobi but went to the back of the chair so he was now hugging Hobi from behind so he could speak.

they heard him sniffle a few times before answering
"you don't sit with me anymore, Kookie won't even ask for help with dancing and goes to you now, Yoongi Hyung and Joonie-ssi don't even want to work on music together anymore"

the members looked between themselves with sullen expressions, they had caused someone they care about so much to think that they hated him and it had all been a huge misunderstanding

Jimin looked at Jungkook and then back at Hobi
"Hobi-hyung I can explain everything... I haven't sat with you because I have been trying to organise everything... I needed to talk to them but it's so hard to get anyone alone where you wont over hear. and Kookie not dancing with you is partially my fault.. we were planning something for you...."

"Let us show you, please please let us show you" Jungkook said bouncing up and down
he grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him further into the room.

Jin turned to Hobi who was sitting stunned his eyes still glassy
"Come on follow us" he reached his hand out for Hobi to take. he waited for a moment but eventually Hobi grabbed it and he pulled him to standing.

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