7. Running Away

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We all run from something. Whether it's fear, love, hope, or even joy. Although there are times when what we run from, trying to evade at all costs, catches up with us and drags us back to the depths we wish to be freed from. The only thing that we are left with, is to fight and then keep on running, so one day, we can hopefully stop and rest with no fear of looking back.

I stare at one of my best friends as he points a gun to my chest. The headlights shadow his face in the wooded dead end, but I would recognize his posture and the humor that surrounds him anywhere. "13..?" I question. My voice sounds foreign to me like it's coming from somewhere else.

"Yes. Didn't you know I was on the recovery team?" I shake my head, astounded. He chuckles, but the gun never lowers. "Well, I am. Now, on your knees. We don't have time for any..... inconveniences." The way he says the words makes my jaw tighten and the expression on my face dies into nothing. Slowly, I put my hands behind my head and drop to my knees. I only know one penalty for those who try to sneak out. Only because I've had to execute them a few times. Not that I really cared.

"I thought we were friends, man," I say low. I didn't need the others to think that I had broken. Or maybe they did from the simple fact that I, one of the best subjects there, had snuck out. But hey, at least I succeeded. He laughs, a loud sarcastic sound that made me want to knock him out.

"Me and you? Friends? Please. But you know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer." His voice was low too and I could feel guilt rolling off of him under the smugness of what he was doing and his confidence. What gave me some hope was the fact that he wasn't really trying to hide it. He walks to me and puts Ability Restraints on me. It's like the life was sucked out of my body and I'm sick again.

"I trusted you," I mutter, my voice flat and monotone. He smirks at me, but it doesn't look right on his face. I don't know why, but he doesn't seem like the type to smile evily when someone is in pain.

"Worst mistake you ever made." The others pull me to my feet and half drag, half walk me to the van. I stumble the entire way. They throw me into the side and 13 climbs in next to me. He silently slips me a piece of paper as he sits. I hold it in my hand a tight grip on it, but then the strength leaves too. My grip loosens and I lean my head back as we drive.

Don't worry. You'll be fine...

I'm gonna be shot and killed by my ex-friend...

....read the paper...

I close my eyes instead. The hum of the tires on the road almost hypnotizing. It's not long before everything starts to fade away and something else replaces it in my head. Great, another flashback.


The darkness surrounds me as I pull my knees up closer to my chest, the soldier's footsteps getting closer. My heart pounds, the blood rushing in my ears, the air in my lungs still. "C'mon, kid. Don't make this harder on yourself. We just wanna test that ability of yours..." he calls to me. I shake my head furiously, knowing he can't hear me.

"No. You want to use me," I whisper softly. The footsteps halt and my heart skips a beat, everything becoming still. The silence roars in my ears. I curl up tighter and the footsteps head right in my direction. Scrambling to move away, I knock over a bottle of blue liquid and it splashes me.

"Would you look at the mess you've made?" I stare at the soldier as he stands over me. His voice sounds familiar, but I can't place it. "You're pathetic. Just like your cousin. It's your fault your parents were killed. And it's your fault you were brought here," he says. The words sting and my eyes start to water as I realize who he is. I look down, as a plan forms in my young mind.

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