8. Preparations

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Sometimes, no matter how much you prepare for something, life always finds a way to throw you off guard. Whether it's with extra people or just extra events. Sometimes though, it's with information you never expected to find out. How you deal with these curveballs, is what makes or breaks you as a person.

"Emma dear, are you alright?" Isabelle asks, walking into the room. My eyes fly open, the image of Alex stuck in my brain. His face contorted with anger, hands soaked in blood. Smashing the man's head on the ground over and over. I never thought I'd see him like that... ever. A couple tears fall down my cheeks.

Alex was always calm and sweet. Not violent and angry. What did that place do to him? I knew he was different, but not that different. Isabelle places a hand on my shoulder and I look up.

"Yeah. Just fine," I breathe. She looks at me with concern looking all over her face before a knock raps the door. My body goes still as Isabelle looks towards the door, walking towards it. "Don't."

"Why not? Someone's there," she reasons, pointing to it. If I know anything about the people we're messing with, it couldn't be anyone good at this door. I stand to my feet and peek out the peephole before Isabelle can open it. She huffs at me and backs away.

Alex and five others stand at the doorway. I throw it open and he wraps me up in a hug, a strong scent of blood coming from him.

"A-Alex? What's wrong?" I ask as he pulls away. All of them look like they've been through hell. A dark purple bruise covers Alex's nose, along with dried blood on his lips. A scar on his cheek that looks like he was burned. The suit he wears has a hole in it, and the skin underneath burned badly as well. The skin on his neck is a dark blue as if it was frozen. I look at the others.

Three girls and two boys. One of each were twins, both of them come to my waist with dark brown hair and amber-colored eyes. Freckles dust the little boy's face, right over the bridge of his nose. Both wearing a grey T-shirt and black shoes. The other guy is very pale with sand-colored hair and deep sea-green eyes. More freckles on him that are perfectly placed on his cheeks and slightly small nose. You can almost see the bones underneath his clothes. He too wears a grey uniform and black shoes.

One of the girls has short blonde hair with the bluest eyes you would ever see. Her nose is angular, with full pink lips. Her skin is perfectly tanned while her hips curve just the right way. Her chest size doesn't appear to be too overly big, but not too small. The last girl has red hair with deep brown eyes. Her lips part slightly to reveal snow-white teeth. Her chest looks like a normal teen's would, still developing. Her hips are slightly wider than the blonde but both girls are gorgeous. And Alex has lived with them for years. "Everything's perfect. Now that I've got you again," Alex says, hugging me again before sucking in a harsh breath. He looks at his injuries like it's the first time he's noticed them.

"We've been through a lot Miss Natalia. Could we like, crash here for a while?" the older guy asks. The two twins stick behind Alex as Isabelle finally speaks up. Though she's been here the entire time. Which I find kind of odd. She's never been this silent around people before... so why now?

"My good God. You all need help. Come, come," Isabelle says, moving me out of the way and ushering them inside. A small smile finds its way on my lips as Alex and the others start walking in. They all file inside the living room and stand there awkwardly, which is understandable since I'm not sure any of them have ever been welcomed in a house. "Ah, where are my manners? I'm Isabelle Hauns and this is-"

"Natalia," I blurt, cutting her off. Isabelle looks at me confused before blinking rapidly. I always used my middle and last name when I spoke to her because I didn't want anyone to know where I was. Looks like my efforts were wasted anyways, since they sent Alex to come murder me, go figure.

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