Evelyn Waugh

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Special thanks to @Eli_Emanuel for recommending Evelyn Waugh!

❝ . . .To know and love one other human being is the root of all wisdom.❞

-- Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited

English writer Evelyn Waugh was known for his satirical novels which consists of The Loved One and, his most popular novel, Brideshead Revisited. He was born on October 28, 1903 in London, England. His father, Arthur Waugh, was a managing director of a publisher that handled the writings of Charles Dickens. As an art student and schoolmaster, he dedicated his time traveling and writing novels. He earned a scholarship to Hertford College to Oxford.

Before his novels were published, Evelyn worked at a publishing company Duckworth, he was commissioned to write biography about the artist, Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Afterwards, his debut novel was Decline and Fall (1928) established his reputation. He continued to write articles, short stories, and travel books. 

During World War II, he served in the Royal Marines and Royal Horse Guards and his experience in the British military mission to the Yugoslav Partisans. As he was experiencing this, he began to work on his famous novel, Brideshead Revisited (1945); the story follows a military captain who survived World War I and a cast of supporting characters connected with a money estate.  

Discussion Questions:

Which of Waugh's writings were you emotional connected with? 

In satirical writings, the technique is to bring to light corruption by using irony and humor, what are the advantages and disadvantages using this method? 

And how could writers continue to use this method in their own writings? Or our writings?

Always open to additional questions and comments on about Evelyn Waugh and his works.

If there is another author you would like to see a discussion on, please post your suggestion in the comments below for a chance to be featured in a future chapter!


Evelyn Waugh Quotes

Evelyn Waugh | Journalist, Educator, Author | Biography

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