1 - August 3rd 2020

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Autumn was an average sophomore girl of sixteen, but to be average means nothing when one is still the center of their own universe. This is how Autumn thought. What bad was it to not stand out, when her life goes on regardless. Her boringly brown hair was cut all the way up to her chin and the shade resembled that of milk chocolate. Her skin was so pale that without makeup you could see right through it, making her under eyes look as if she did not receive even half of the nine hours she slept every night. She was painfully aware of this problem, as her mother always reminded her when she didn't wear makeup for a day. Her fashion style was super hipster, like every other part of her appearance, but the basicness does not make her any less gorgeous in her own way. She didn't have the chiseled cheek bones or a nose sculpted by the gods or anything, but she was pleasant to look at. Her eyes were huge and hazel. They were definitely her best feature. They were nicely complemented by her small button nose and plump lips. Her cheekbones were high, but her cheeks were full, making her face very round. No, she wasn't ugly- just- normal.

Then there was Knox, an aspiring writer and Autumn's best friend. He had curly back hair and a tan from his days spent outside in his yard all summer. His frame was petite, as petite as Autumn's even. While Autumn is sure to always dress nicely, Knox has four pairs of worn out jeans and a few miscellaneous graphic tees from the Goodwill. His single grandmother could only do her best, too sickly to work, but retirement income too low. Knox couldn't take care of his rapidly withering guardian. She didn't have insurance, so a lot of money had to go towards care taking and medical bills. She had an in house nurse. That was Autumn's mother.

The evenings Autumn came over with her mom were the evenings that allowed Knox to forget about stuff for a second. The fact that when his grandmother finally loses to time he will be sent to foster care immediately. If they knew how bad she was he would surly already be there. But he had Autumn. They'd lay in the grassy yard while Knox read Autumn some of his stories. She never knew that he wrote most of those stories for her. He lived for seeing that breeze blow through her hair, and when her birthday grew near, the leaves of the trees above them would tangle in it. Her mother hated how she never let her hair grow out. He loved it. He loved everything about her. She was so normal, but she was the most interesting person Knox knew.

They sat together at lunch, hunched in their own corner of the Fairfield High cafeteria. She ate from her lunch box as he ate the free lunch the school made. It never mattered. Nothing material ever mattered with her. It was the first day of sophomore year for them.

And so they were best friends, and this is a best friend love story. But, this is what the boy sees, and this boy is different. Oh, his hardships. ~ 1

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