4 - August 3rd 2020

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     Georgia Merritt was a cheerleader, but as much as she'd like it, she is not one of the main characters of the Cheer chapters. She is; however, involved.

     Georgia,  or Georgy as such friends like Finley call her, loved love. Always a bridesmaids never a bride kind of girl.

     Other cheerleaders on the cheer squad include Naomi Gideon, Emmy West, Bea Bentley, Juno Leekly, and Sawyer Cook. They are who we are concerned about.

      Naomi Gideon was a real beauty. She's half Indian on her mother's side, so her skin was delicate brown and her hair black with brown highlights. Someone once complemented her name on it's "exoticness," believing it was Hindu, but it is actually her Christian grandmother's name on her father's side. She laughed for five minutes solid over this. 'Naomi' is Hebrew.

     Emmy West was a sweetheart. Too sweet. Fake sweet. She once baked cookies for everyone in school for no reason. Two days later they announced it was time to vote for homecoming court (being too young to be queen in sophomore year.) She had found out from a friend on the student council about this, but she made it seem like she could have no idea. But hey, even if the kindness is fake and has reasoning, she's still helpful in her attempts for these things. Bribery or not, a cookie is a cookie.   She wasn't a bad person.

Beatrice Bentley, or Bea, was a bleach blonde bitch. She was rude, mean, and judgey, but everyone on the cheer squad remained friends with her. It's crazy how when there is only one mean one out of several people, the rest being rather friendly, the mean one is saw as mean and not worshipped as they wish. Bea was getting better because of this. She was working on humbling up. But damn could she still be a bitch if she wanted.

     Juno Leekly had male sex organs. This; however, didn't change the fact that Juno was a girl. Nobody on the cheer squad knew about this. Everyone assumed she was just really gay. Her hair was a soft blonde and her eyes were blue. She had such beautiful features. If only that hair could be long and her eyes could be lined with mascara and eyeliner. She longed for that. She conversed with Benny from the Colorguard troop often, him being female to male trans. They were good friends, unknown  to anyone else.

     Sawyer Cook was straight as a ruler- thank you very much. He tried to make that very clear, him being a cheerleader and all. Though, he had to admit to himself that Juno was not unattractive. 'He' was so feminine, Sawyer thought and that was the only thought that allowed him to sleep at night. He definitely had internalized homophobia. This didn't change the fact that he was right about being attracted to Juno because of her feminine nature. Sawyer had flaming ginger hair and brown eyes. DNA tests say he's even of Irish decent. Thank god nobody at Fairfield bullied for that kind of stuff like people used to.

     And so the story of the dramatic cheerleaders began for the first day of school that year. Oh the love triangles. One could even call it a love pentagon or just a love shape even. That's it. It's their love shape. And it's complicated. ~4

What goes on at Fairfield High - 5 stories 1 setting Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora