2. Meeting The One

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5 minutes latter Sadie walk down the stairs looking half asleep. We head out the door to feed the horses. We all start to walk to the barn. I hear Billy whinny and can tell he is hungry. I put three piles of hay in the pasture. We have 3 horses mine is Billy he is a 10 year old Chestnut QH. Alex has a 12 year old black and white paint named Little L. Sadie has a black QH who is 15, his name is midnight. When we finish we decide to go to town to get some more grain and maybe some breakfast. We go to The Country Folks for breakfast. I sit next to Alex with Sadie on her other side. Just then 5 country boys walk in. I go to school with 3 of them but the other two I don't know. They come and sit with us and as they do I elbow Alex and mouth off the word "oh my god look at him". She instantly knows what one I am talking about and is trying to hold back her laughs. Just as I thought my face couldn't get any more red..... He sits next to me! I brush my long brown hair out of my face. I hear someone say his name I'm pretty sure it's Wood. One thing I do know for sure is that he is one cute country boy! He is one I wish I could call mine. We start to talk a little I found he does go to our school he is in 10th grade one grade higher then me

In my mind I'm flipping out! Chase is here and he is sitting across from me and he is talking to me! Out of all people here he chooses me. I lean over and whisper to Alex "the one across from me is chase" she whispers back "he's a cutie" and winks. I get up to go to bathroom only to see him follow. As I'm walking he say "Sadie wait up I need to talk to you" my heart is beating so fast right now I don't know what to do "umm yeah". I get to corn out of my mouth. "Well I have two ticket to the movies this weekend and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to ummm.. maybe go with me?" I can tell he is nervous and so am I ! "I would love to" I say smiling and walk back to the table. I decide to wait until we leave to tell Alex and Brooke what happened.

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