4. After The Fact

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When we got in the truck, right away I tell them what happened. "So did you get his number" Brooke asks with a grin sliding onto her face. "Well yeah, he said he will call me tomorrow night to give me the details." I say still smiling with excitement. " So what are you going to wear?!" Alex asks. "Umm jeans, my boots and a shirt?" I question. "No no no no no, we need to get you a nice simple dress. The boots are fine tho. How about after we drop the grain off we can go shopping." Alex states. "Sounds fun" Brooke and I say. I can't wait!

knowing my older sister and my younger sister can get a date and I can't is sad. I wish that wood would just ask me out..... But no he probably has some girlfriend who's a little to peppy and a cheerleader. God I hate those types of girls. They dress with there clothes hanging off showing there whole body off. Then they say there country. Like oh yeah totally because you can defiantly ride in booty shorts and not get you legs pinched or chaffed. Ughh girls like that annoy me if you haven't noticed. I really hope me and Wood get closer, he is really cute and just the type of guy I want. Maybe some day I can call him mine. We can have a big ranch maybe a kid or two. But then again I might meet someone else. Boys confuse me.... One minute they are your best friend and the next saying stuff behind your back. Who knows, and they say girls are confusing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2014 ⏰

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