3. Breakfast

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As we walk into the restaurant my friends find a seat with some girls they go to school with. There are three. One is Sadie she has shoulder length curly brown hair with green eyes. The next one is Alex she is in my grade, she had long black wavy hair with blue eyes. And the one next to me is Brooke she has medium length straight hair witch is brown and also has brown eyes. She's gouges I think trying not to stare. The way he hair is falling into her face with her boots and hat on. It just gives me a feeling that I have never had before.

I can tell Brooke likes this guy and I can see why! With his short brown hair and eyes his carrharts and Chippewas he make sa pretty good looking guy! But me, I got my boyfriend his name is Chad, we have know each other forever and have been dating for almost a year now! He has sort blond hair brown eyes and his muscles, they are just so big and strong. He comes over all the time Sadie and Brooke seem to enjoy him too. I wish he could be here right now instead of working. Speaking of chad I get a text from him now. He says he wished he could be with us and might swing up latter. I'm so excited!! I haven't seen him in like a week. Yay maybe we will all go shopping at the mall.

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