38. Romanos

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If only Thalia was accompanying, this wouldn't seem like a date.

I buried my face in my hands, thinking about last night. Though I'd tackled him in the conversation, my answers made me embarrassed like never before.

Activities of pretty insects. Seriously, Althea? I ran my hand over the face. God damn, I sounded like a five-year-old. All the better wordings were coming now, and I couldn't do anything but mope around why hadn't I said those.
But why was I being embarrassed in the first place?

Because you want him to look at you as a woman, not a childish girl, A voice said inside me.

"No! Um... yes but, not in that way..." I stammered to myself, cheeks flushing red. What a misery, my own self could make me blush. No wonder I'm a gone case in front of others.

Especially in front of him. And I had to face him now. Alone.

I looked around the hallway, someone asked me to wait in. Like a scared cat, my eyes wandered for the dangerous woman, if she was anywhere in sight. Despite me swearing to be on her good side, I had ended pissing her off. Things were just piling on my plate. I had to figure out soon, how to fix my equation with her.

My eyes repeatedly shifted to the entry door. No, I don't have the guts to look him in the eye as he enters. I turned around to face the throne that was at the far end.

The morning sunlight entered the various carvings on the roof in a way that illuminated the throne. I imagined Julian sitting there, in all his glory of a king, ruling his empire.

Today would be the day I would figure out what type of king he is.

I looked down at my dress. A rose-pink chiton outfit. Two golden brooches were pinned at the tip of my shoulders, followed by sleeves that hung around the arms. The soft material flowed till the feet. My hairs were a simple braid on one side of the shoulder.

Sound of wood clanking on the ground entered the lone hallway, and I slightly turned to the direction. Soon his feet appeared in my bowed view.

"Greetings, my Lord," I acknowledged him.

"Hm, here," I raised my head to see him handing my book he took last night. In the split second, I saw what he wore. A red-wine coloured rich fabric draped around his shoulders, pinned over the heart with his empire's symbol. It was adjusted in a way to hide his wounded right shoulder but exposed the other one. Below was the cream coloured Greek warrior attire that came till his knees.

"Thank you," I bowed again and with a single motion of his hand, we walked out. Two guardsmen followed us.

We crossed the gardens and turned right to reach an area which consisted of stables and various carriages. I stopped, noticing we would take a carriage to go around.

That would fail my plan of understanding him as a king.

"My Lord, can we walk?" I asked. My breath hitched when I saw his face for the first time this morning.

His jaw was shaved, leaving only a lingering stubble. The light brown eyes that shone under the young morning light, and his hair, though always in waves, were combed back in a sleek fashion after the bath.

Even though he wasn't dressed fancy, he looked more than good.

And I wondered what a hunk he would look like in a tux.

He did a once over my attire, then levelled his eyes to mine. I could tell my weird request surprised him.

"Uhm, you know I need to... write everything in detail," I looked at the palm trees in the distance, "And, walking would offer... just that," I fiddled with the book,
"If- if you wish to," I added. He was a king. I couldn't just impose my decision on him and think he'd agree.

Rendezvous in the Romanowskian EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now