37. Spicy 'n sweet

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Where the heck is she roaming around?

"Danro!" The guardsman appeared at the doorstep, holding his spear tighter to stop his shaking self.

"Orders my Lord."

"Where was she?" I rubbed my temple, closing my eyes for the ache to go.

"She was with the concubines, my Lord. Thalia was with her too," he informed. My eyes opened at that. What's with concubines lurking around her?

Those women may be great at their job, but coming to skittish women like her, they left no chance to leave them crying.

I've lost count of times when Thalia would come weeping about their bullying. I had to change her position.

"Didn't she leave when you were there?" I rose from the throne to walk over the window beside the door.

"She did. But I left after that, just like you'd said my Lord," he informed.

The entire corridor was visible through this window. Including her room. It was designed in a way that I could get a glimpse of what she was up to when she's alone. Though she could see what's happening in front of my doorstep from there, she didn't know, I could see her better.

After all, I did tell her I am watching her every move. She should know better.

"I don't know that. Find her," I waved him off, and he left after a deep bow.

Walking out my room, I peered down the hallway to see the concubines retreating to their rooms as late evening approached. Some were lighting fire stands to illuminate their little garden that had turned dark.

Still no sign of her.

I shook my head. Danro would find her. There's no need for me to play explorer. It's better if I stick with the plan of spending some time with my mother.

When I walked to her room, I couldn't help but check every single room in the way. Damn it, where is she?

My hands turned to fists. What's going on with you, Julian Romanowski? Calm down, she's no big deal, I snorted and pushed open the doors to my mother's room.

Before I could make out the smirk spread on mother's face, my eyes landed on the small someone sitting at her feet.


The precious collection of mother's little clay statues lay in front of her as she wiped them one by one. Not daring to stop the given work, even when I'd opened the door loudly.

I exchanged a silent glance with mother, and her grin spread wider.

"What's going on, Althea?" I crossed my arms to look down at her kneeling self.

She jolted at the voice, even more, when she figured who was standing at the doorstep. Chickening out at mere things like she always did. What a sweet little thing.

Her hands stopped working on the clay cart, and I could see her gulp softly.

"Did I tell you to stop?" Mother yelled. Althea squeezed her eyes in terror, immediately starting her work again.

"I have asked you something, Althea," I promoted again.

She looked up, panicked out of her mind whom to listen. Her eyes wandered to me, then slowly shifted to mother, hands moving around the clay cart on their own. A chuckle escaped me, but I suppressed it with the back of my hand.

Damn, poor thing is torn between the mother-son duo.

"Why to ask her when I'm here, son?" Mother started, leaning back against her gold-encrusted throne. A playful smile etched on her lips, which was hard to make out if it meant happiness or threat.

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