16. Blue-eyed fantasy

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Julian Romanowski flipped the pages of the AI book furiously, trying to gauge what was written but in vain.

Marching towards a group of his soldiers, he stopped behind them with a dead set expression.

"Oh, my Mila, what has gotten you so scared huh?" a slender but sturdy warrior chuckled, pinning a captured woman to the wall. Others stood watching her helplessness with an amused look.

The frail woman was no match for the enemy warrior's strength. She thrashed helplessly against him, dainty face soaked in tears.

"P- Please don't, I- I don't even know you," she hiccuped, pleading continuously when her eyes widened to see another evil warrior watching her.

Only that he looked more dangerous compared to the ones surrounding her.

His kohl-rimmed, deadly eyes trained on her.

She stopped struggling at once and gave in to the warrior who held her against the wall. Her body shuddered as he nuzzled her neck, making her close her eyes in utter humiliation.

She wasn't strong enough to be committed to self - virtuousness. What could she do? She was too young for that mindset.

"Damascus!" a roaring voice made her dampened eyes open to see the warrior immediately detaching himself from her. Everyone bowed deeply in the presence of the kohl-eyed warrior.

Lifting her gaze a little, she backed further to the wall, her sobs threatening to surface. No one could stand the intensity of those kohl eyes.

Master invader tched at the perverseness of his soldiers. They weren't even leaving a girl. What would happen if they'd got someone like her, that writer?

He thought back to the time when she had collided with him.
Long and light honey coloured hair, knotted in loose braids that would look like flowing honey if left open.

What was mind-numbing were the eyes. He had to look deeper to know their shade. Grey, misty? No. They were a light shade of blue, as if he was viewing the sky itself.

For the love of woman, he had never seen a sky-eyed one, and that twisted his damn heart to a frenzy.

The slight pink tint on her cheeks showed she wasn't afraid but was somewhat embarrassed to be this close to him, and he had instantly withdrawn himself from her.

Otherwise, the with from drawn could've gone six feet under the earth.

He thought back to the time when he'd held her by the arm. So ridiculously soft, he had to tighten his grip.

The ruggedness of his hands practically melting under her skin.

Problem was, she wasn't a girl like the one crying her eyes out in front of him, whom he could ignore, but a woman.

When he had looked carefully, Rolana didn't come close enough to that blue-eyed fantasy who had squeezed his heart in her limp hands.

A sudden sob broke him out of his subconscious. The young girl was now on her knees, sobbing shakily at the wanton gaze of the master invader she mistook to be on her.

He rolled his eyes. How pathetic of his men to get attracted to a teensy girl.

"You, listen," he knocked one of the men, who lowered his head deeper at his mention.

"Take her to the camps and Don't Dare Touch her," he leant closer, and he shrunk back.

"If anyone lays a hand on her, I'll fucking rip your head out." the tip of his sword rested on the poor soldier's neck. "Get it?"

"Y- Yes my Lord."

"What was going on Damascus?" he came to stand in front of the nasty warrior.

"My Lord, she was behaving difficult to capt-" he was cut off by a thick book that dangled through the hands of the master invader.

"Read it," he ordered.

Damascus opened the book and furrowed his brows at the alien language. He couldn't understand a single letter written on it.

"I can't understand it my-"

"You are not getting any woman for this season given your act I've witnessed today," Master invader spat, taking him by surprise. But Damascus couldn't accept this order, given he was no less than hobo Axios.

"But we have captured so many today, my Lord! When everyone is getting one, why not I? I was just teaching her a lesson of obedience!" he argued heatedly.

Master invader narrowed his eyes. "Keep talking and I'll make sure to reject your case in the next war as well. Have you forgotten no war material is to be touched without my permission?!"

Damascus lowered his gaze at the higher official's booming voice. One wrong move and it would cost his life.

"Search out the fortress again. Nothing should be left behind!" he ordered, and walked away hastily.

The morning was coming to an end, giving way to the scorching Egyptian afternoon. He shook the sweat out of his head and stared at the light blue sky.

Light blue eyes...

Cursing at his fantasy that was turning wild by the minute, he jogged to his horse and climbed on.

Riding a short distance, he reached the camps. Exactly where the blue-eyed one must've been.
He had threatened the guards enough that they would've run away in seconds after tying her up.

The camps were situated close to the border of another city, where most of the army was resting. He kicked his horse to a stop, but her rusty old book tumbled out of his hands.

He cursed infinitely.

The heck is happening? Rubbing his face, he raked a hand through his waves, clearly annoyed at his clenching heart.

There was this book which could contain precious information for them, and here he was, wishing to see her like some fool.

He howled wildly, banging a tightly curled fist at this chest repeatedly.

There were more important things at hand, and he couldn't digest the fact that the doll of a woman was clouding his brain in ways impossible to his knowledge.

Control, he reminded himself.

In no time, he reached the other city where the pesky little followers of his friend had erected a Concubine association of Egypt in the honour of recent annexations.

Noticing the master invader, the young man, who was talking with a group of other warriors, excused himself.

He oozed a certain confidence and authority that had the people around bow their heads as he walked. The official Macedon military attire looked terrific on him. Hairs a weird shade of orange.

"What's up Alexander?" master invader smirked at the small white fortress and both clasped their hands in a victory smash.

"Always up for conquering the world, Julian Romanowski," Alexander grinned.

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