44. Lola tales

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+-Invoking item-+
Solicit #coffee_packet#

Cheryl sighed when she opened the box-like structure of the AI book. A tiny packet of coffee powder lay inside.

Taking a goblet which she had filled with hot sweetened milk, she tore the packet to sprinkle the coffee and mixed until the addicting smell arose.

She tossed the empty packet into the fireplace, leaving no trace of plastic in the fourth century BCE.

"Ah, I can't go on without you, my love," she kissed the goblet to sip the sweet coffee in the winters of Babylon. Sitting by the windowsill, she gazed at the beautiful garden of the sixth floor of the palace, as the Sun's rays peaked through the cloudy sky.

Coretta had already left for Romanos because the ruler had some important work.

Her thoughts drifted to what she had witnessed outside the temple of Ishtar.

Initially, she had stood there with Lorenzo to make sure who had taken her dear bestie. And had planned already that Lorenzo would tackle that man in a combat, while she would pull Coretta out of the mess, and send her safely back to her lodgings.

But what she saw was the ruler of Romanos hugging her weeping friend.

At first, she couldn't believe it. It was like a lion soothing a lamb, literally. She had pestered Lorenzo to go face the ruler because she feared what he might do to her friend.

But Lorenzo was already on his way to a heart attack.

And what will I say? That I'm her brother?! You can slap me all you want, Cheryl, But I'm Not Going There! I don't wish to die so soon. Please! He had wailed.

Furious, she had stepped ahead on the porch to defend Coretta as her sister, only to see the ruler hugging her. And she had instantly dashed back in the temple.

Now she pondered over it. Maybe he wasn't bad? Then again, it was only Coretta who knew what type of person he was.

It was natural to be curious about the mysterious ruler. She'd talked about him with Aarmen and Lorenzo, only to learn they were scared stiff at his mention.

Since the moment she'd seen him in Concubine's association and Dionysus festivities, she couldn't shake the feeling that he looked like someone she knew. For that, it was necessary to have a clear long look of his face, but she hadn't got the chance.

There was one member still left who had to give his views about him.

Calling Dunkin...

"Hey, Donut-" she started.

"No. Lorenzo didn't send me another drunken sext meant for you." Came the reply.

Her cheeks flamed. She couldn't believe she made such a stupid boyfriend.

"Ahem," she cleared her throat, "What about your marriage with Coretta? How much have you guys planned out?"

The receiver end was silent for a while. Then she heard him sigh, "It's not that easy as it sounds..."

"Bullshit," she clicked her tongue, "You both were pro at faking your gf-bf relationship during the preparation of the project."

When he said nothing, she continued, "And what about the kisses? You guys kissed and cuddled too."

"Cheryl..." he groaned, "That was just us touching our noses and mumbling 'Stay away from my personal space'. Throw in a giggle and you thought we were in love."

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