Happy Tears and Good Company

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Heimdall was extremely patient with me as I requested him to search out and report on my other loved ones. With some difficulty in me describing locations in which to find them, he managed to locate Aunt Lori and Uncle Craig along with several members of my dad's side of the family. I also had him check up on a few of my friends from high school and college. With each assurance that they seemed happy and healthy, I felt more relief grow in my heart. There was also a twinge of sorrow and missing them as Heimdall described them living out their lives, but I appreciated every description, even if it was bittersweet.

"Thank you, Heimdall, for humoring me." I bowed my head to the golden guardian as I followed Odin-Loki out of the Bifrost's golden dome once I'd satisfied myself, "It means a lot to me to know that they're all right."

"Any time, my lady." Heimdall returned the polite nod. His golden eyes were warm and distant as he recalled, "Prince Thor would often visit me to check on his Midgardian lady, do not hesitate to do the same for your friends."

Heimdall must miss Thor as much as I missed my friends back on earth. Loki had mentioned that they were close. Feeling a kind of camaraderie with him, I smiled, "I really appreciate it."

I could feel tears starting to prick my eyes again, so I quickly turned and made my way back to the horses and einherjar so as to hide that fact. As I quickly strode away, I heard Odin-Loki address the Bifrost's guardian again, "Thank you, good Heimdall."

"My king."

In a minute Odin-Loki and I had mounted our horses and were making our way back towards the palace. The road from the rainbow bridge to the palace's main entrance was a straight shot on a wide main road, and it wasn't too long until we passed into the palace's front gates. As we rode, I tried to pull my emotions back together, surreptitiously dabbing at my eyes and trying to rid myself of the evidence of my tears. I hadn't expected to cry like that at all, but the emotions that had welled up inside me and that were still trying to calm down inside my chest had forced themselves to the surface. I guess I'd been tamping them down for too long...

The late afternoon sun that shone off the palace's golden walls shone in my eyes as I led Kari behind Sleipnir to the stables. Odin-Loki dismounted Sleipnir first as he handed the stable boys and groomsmen the horse's reins, then he stepped over to me, offering his hand to help me off of Kari's back. As I took his outstretched hand, his image shifted and flickered, revealing his true form to me.

Once my feet were on the ground, I looked up at my fiancé. My heart squeezed again as I took in his features. Gosh, I loved this man! He knew me so well. He could read me like a book, knowing the aching in my heart that I was trying to ignore, and then he tried to sooth my longing and worry for the people I'd left behind. How had the man I'd met below New York turned into such a thoughtful, loving king? Softly, my voice sounding a bit crackly still, I whispered, "Thank you."

Loki's lips curled into the subtlest of smirks since he still looked like the Allfather to everyone else in the stable yard and the Allfather apparently wasn't one to smirk. He placed my hand on his arm to lead me away into the palace, "You're very welcome."

I licked my lips, which tasted lightly of salt as I looked down at my hand on his arm, giving his forearm a slight squeeze to draw his attention again as I asked, "How did you know?"

"How did I know what?" Loki lifted an eyebrow, tilting his head to look at me in confusion.

"How homesick I was?" My cracked voice wavered and fell away as new tears started spilling over and running down my cheeks

"Darling..." Loki halted, turning to fully face me, concern and sadness taking over his expression.

"I'm sorry." I quickly wiped at my face, laughing wetly as I shook my head, "I don't know where all these tears keep coming from!"

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