part 21

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Once everybody was done eating, Jungkook noticed that Y/n still hadn't eaten breakfast herself. As the group was getting their shoes and coats on and heading out the front door, Jungkook grabbed a bento lunchbox and filled it with some of the food she had so kindly made for everybody else.

Jimin and Yoongi came back into the kitchen to see what Jungkook was doing.

"Are you bringing lunch? I think we're going to order lunch later," Jimin stated.

"There's nothing wrong with a lunch in between breakfast and lunch," Yoongi teased.

"This is for Y/n," Jungkook stated plainly as he packed up the box and started to motion towards Jimin and Yoongi to leave the kitchen with him.

"She spent all morning making this food and making sure we all ate that she didn't eat," he hurried and Jimin and Yoongi followed.

As the boys walked out the front door and let it lock behind them, they could hear Jiwoo giving orders.

"Okay, I'm going to ride in this first SUV with Namjoon, Hoseok, Jin, and Yoongi because we're going to meet the director before hair and makeup, and then I need Y/n, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung in the second SUV because you guys need to get your hair and makeup done first," she yelled as she was walking further away, phone in one hand and purse in the other.

Yoongi shuffled past Jungkook to go to the first SUV as Jimin pulled Jungkook along to load up into the second SUV with Y/n and Taehyung already waiting for them.

Taehyung was sitting in the very back row and was shouting for Jimin to sit with him, leaving Jungkook to sit next to Y/n in the middle row.

Suddenly he felt like a child, holding his bento lunch box, and very quickly offered it to her.

"Y/n-ssi, you didn't eat this morning, I noticed," he whispered, as the SUV started to pull out of the driveway and was started on its journey to the set.

"You have to eat to keep your energy up since we are filming and shooting all day today."

"Yes, you need to make sure you eat when you feed us too, Y/n-ssi," Jimin chimed in.

Y/n couldn't help but blush.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to worry you guys and make you feel like you need to take care of me like this!"

Jungkook reached out and patted her on the head.

"It's okay, that's what I'm here for- to help you," he smiled.

"Yeah, we're all here to help!" Jimin exclaimed.

Upon arrival of set, Y/n was whisked away by makeup artist and hair stylists, as getting her ready would take longer than everybody else.


"Why do we look like we're doing Boy With Luv?" Taehyung asked as he pulled at his all pink outfit.

As Taehyung was pondering, their hyungs showed up with PD nim.

"Well you guys look cute. Today's baking theme is courtesy of Y/n, but I chose to do it to the theme of Boy With Luv, because Y/n is very cute and loves the color pink. Today, you guys will film and take photos in units and solo with Y/n, so your outfits match in a sense. I've given Jiwoo all the instructions, and she will break down the schedule for you guys. Have fun!" PD nim bellowed as he walked away with his horde of secretaries.

The guys all looked towards Jiwoo, who was holding a clipboard. Y/n was still getting ready apparently.

Jungkook was waiting patiently to see the schedule from Jiwoo to see when he was supposed to film his solo teaser with Y/n.

"Okay, I've already printed it out and made each of you a copy, so I don't want to hear any questions if the answer is on this sheet of paper, okay?!" She shouted over the hustle and bustle of the makeup crew doing their final touches on the boys.

She handed them all a sheet of paper with the schedule for the day.


SOLO SHOOTS / in order of age

Y/N + JIN / cake eating teaser + photos

Y/N + RM / kitchen disaster teaser + photos

Y/N + SUGA / cake eating teaser + photos

Y/N + J-HOPE / cake decorating teaser + photos

Y/N + JIMIN / kitchen disaster teaser + photos

Y/N + V / cake decorating teaser + photos

Y/N + JUNGKOOK / cake decorating teaser + photos

Wow, of course I have to be last.

"What are you pouting about JK?" Jin teased.

"Is it because you're last this time?"

"Jiwoo, can't I be first?!" Jungkook playfully pouted at her.

All his hyungs began clowning him jokingly for using his boyish charms on Jiwoo like that.

"Okay, okay, I'll wait my turn," he finally gave in.

It didn't take long before the shooting finally started, the set was a very pink and girly kitchen on one side, and a cute, pink bakery on the other side.

Jungkook was staring at his pink outfit and wondering what Y/n would be wearing.

Classically on cue, Jungkook could hear Jiwoo's excitement as she was met by Y/n at the doorway to the dressing and makeup rooms.

"Y/n, I wish I could dress you like this everyday!" She exclaimed.

Jungkook turned to see Y/n rolling her eyes at Jiwoo, but he certainly felt the same way once he saw what she was wearing.

She had on sheer black stockings with hearts on them as well as pink suede high heeled boots that just barely came over her knee

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She had on sheer black stockings with hearts on them as well as pink suede high heeled boots that just barely came over her knee. Her hair was curled perfectly and she had on a beret that matched her boots.

As Jiwoo was throwing a fit over Y/n's outfit, it caught everybody's attention on set and they all soon began clamoring over how cute she looked.

"Aish, you guys, you know it should be illegal for me to try to dress like this at my age! Aegyo is only cute on trainees," Y/n pouted, which caused all of BTS and Jiwoo to tease to her more.

"Y/n-ssi, you're so cute, you look like a little school girl," Jimin exclaimed as he hugged her lovingly.

Y/n laughed and hugged Jimin back.

"You guys won't be laughing when we're filming other stuff and I'm not this cute anymore," she boasted.

"Y/n-ssi, I think it'd be pretty difficult for you to not be cute, ever," Taehyung stated.

"I see why we're dressed like this now, we're supposed to match with Y/n," Yoongi mused.

Jungkook had no problem with that. He was dying to be able to take their photos together.

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